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[COMPETITION] PES 2013 Build Awards Signup/Info

Should relinked hairstyles be allowed?

  • Total voters


I posted the face to Rebelinho ages ago... :erm:

Needs to be sent to me mate, rebelinho has messaged me to say he recieved it from you, so as long as he got it before ronys deadline I will create the battle thread.

Hey guys, I wanted to say to Paul, who for the next round of the tournament, for faces that touch each battle done, put a picture to know what will be the image that will compare the previous, since was a bit unfair for some face Facemaker do with a picture and put in the middle otra.Lo say more as a guide, so is more even throughout the tournament.
I hope they can do :)

Greetings :)

Next round there will be no real pictures included, just pictures of the 2 builds & people will have to search for pictures to decide which face is best ;)


Registered User
Hey guys,

if it is ok for you, I would put your faces as single posts in the face build index Thread? So it is easer to index them... Or would you like to pust them in your Thread as well?


Hey guys,

if it is ok for you, I would put your faces as single posts in the face build index Thread? So it is easer to index them... Or would you like to pust them in your Thread as well?

Once voting has closed on a battle I suggest that everyone posts their builds in their own threads


Ok I want to make this all clear before the start of the QF's, these will be the conditions for the remainder of the tournament.
  • I will provide 6 pictures for each player
  • You can use other pictures, but these 6 will be the ones posted with the previews
  • All faces need to be PM'd to me
  • Any faces submitted after the deadline will not be counted
  • If you are competing in a battle please don't post in the battle thread until voting has closed

These are the final rules, I hope everyone is happy with them.


Registered User
Ok I want to make this all clear before the start of the QF's, these will be the conditions for the remainder of the tournament.
  • I will provide 6 pictures for each player
  • You can use other pictures, but these 6 will be the ones posted with the previews
  • All faces need to be PM'd to me
  • Any faces submitted after the deadline will not be counted
  • If you are competing in a battle please don't post in the battle thread until voting has closed

These are the final rules, I hope everyone is happy with them.

Wise decision!
This competition should have this rules since the beginning...but better late than never ;)


Registered User
Hey [MENTION=146598]paul2478[/MENTION] ,What's the status of my battle? Can i post my Luke Young build on my thread already?


Registered User

I just wanted to let people know... TAPATALK App doesn't have the voting facility. Hence the reason why I was posting my votes on the thread itself (not realising my vote wasn't being counted) So, if you're a TAPATALK App user, you'll have to go to the full site to vote!


Registered User
I'm really interested in the next round... We've lost a few big guys in the first round (Maquiavelo, Whistle, Azul) I guess we'll have an unexpected winner at the end..


If i'm not mistaken some of the battle hasn't been started yet. When will those battle started?

cuando las demas batallas,hay mucha demora.

cuando las otras batallas, hay mucho retraso.

yup, la nuestra no se ha hecho todavia...tension's much

sorry all for the delay, I had my hands deep in some problems (personal, the builds were great) and only now I got rid of them. as paul said battles will be started in a few minutes


Registered User
They will be posted in the next few minutes, sorry for the delay.

Also please remember English translations, juampy I've booked you as I know I have given you plenty of warnings.
si 1 sola advertencia aparte de esta,miren los mensajes anteriores,me disculpo fue un error del traductor,la prueba es que es el mismo mensaje,eh visto personas que se equivocaron muchas veces y ni una infracción,pero de todas maneras pido disculpas a todos por mi error. saludos paul.

if one single warning apart from this, look at the previous posts, I apologize it was a mistake of the translator, the test is that it is the same message, eh seen people wrong many times and no offense, but anyway I apologize to all for my mistake. PAUL greetings .


[MENTION=218837]juampy_051[/MENTION] I understand & its ok mate. We are cracking down on this now though & after one warning bookings will be issued. Hopefully this will mean people are extra careful when posting ;)
