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Daymos Elite PES2011 v3 Bundesliga & Npower Xbox360


Registered User
excellent patch guys a lot of work thanks for all your work the only thing that I got wrong is the line-ups of bundesliga teams but I have to cerrected manually if someone know a page with all this info please help me and I have to put the new kits for chile, uruguay
saludos de chile.juan tenorio;)
pd:thanks for all your work keep it like that to pes 2012


Registered User
excellent patch guys a lot of work thanks for all your work the only thing that I got wrong is the line-ups of bundesliga teams but I have to cerrected manually if someone know a page with all this info please help me and I have to put the new kits for chile, uruguay
saludos de chile.juan tenorio;)
pd:thanks for all your work keep it like that to pes 2012

Are you using v3 a or b?


Registered User
I used v3 b
but its ok i found a pagewith all the line-ups
thanks for your work guys
hoping you also work with pes 2012
and please for another patch please include south american national kits in the patch
saludos de chile.juan tenorio;)


Registered User
Have anybody a answer to my question please??
I downloaded OF 3.2b, the OF have 516 files, but it is not possible to transfer the complete OF to the USB Stick.
Only to Uniform File 195 works the Transfer, than crash xtaf gui. With Modio is the same Problem.


Registered User
Have anybody a answer to my question please??
I downloaded OF 3.2b, the OF have 516 files, but it is not possible to transfer the complete OF to the USB Stick.
Only to Uniform File 195 works the Transfer, than crash xtaf gui. With Modio is the same Problem.

I told you..

Read the v2 forum as you will see info about the 228 error which is what your experiencing now and your question will be answered.. I'm sure the answer is on the 1st page here too.

Google 228 error!!!

In the installation help section you can find answers too.

I told you about my easy eBay installation option but that's for you to decide if it's worth your while to be able to copy my file in a different way eg via one big drag and drop into the USB.

edu madrid

Registered User
Hi Daymos

You said you will update the forum with a file that i sent you including new stats so when will you do it??? I'm enjoying a lot with the new balanced stats and I feel finally I got closer than Konami stats...

Junaxi, in Daymos v3.3b you will find a correct line-up from Germany teams and the font from this line-up is "Bundesliga creation thread" a topic from this community:

Rizzo... you need install 200 to 200 files using usbstaffgui...or each by one.... read all talk in this forum or in other works from daymos and you will have the answer detailed...

see you guys


Registered User
daymos I realized that the line-ups are okay sorry for my complain
and what a patch is really great
hoping that in pes 2012 you also include south american national teams kits but the newest kits for example the puma kit of chile
saludos de chile.juan tenorio;)


Registered User
Ich hab das Forum von vorne bis hinten gelesen, aber mein englisch ist nicht wirklich gut und somit versteh ich nur die hälfte von dem was geschrieben wird.
Ich soll also erst 200 Files und dann nochmal 200 files kopieren?

In übrigen hab ich auch keinen Ebay Account und ich möchte auch keinen.

Ich hatte die OF ja bereits schonmal auf den USB Stick, aber leider hab ich da die Daten verschoben und nicht kopiert.
Jetzt hab ich eben das Problem das ich die Daten nicht mehr auf den USB Stick bekomm. Damals hatte ich alle 516 Files einzeln rüber geschoben, nur leider geht das jetzt auch nicht mehr.

Ich habe auch nach den 228 Error gegoogelt, aber das sagt mir auch nicht viel.
Gibt es hier jemand der das ganze mal schritt für schritt auf deutsch erklären kann?

Danke im vorraus


Registered User
So now i did it,
i have find a way to copy the complete OF to my USB Stick, it works fantastic!

I use V3.3b!

Respect to your fantastic Work, looks awesome!

Thanks Daymos and thanks to all the other Guys who made this OF!


Registered User
So now i did it,
i have find a way to copy the complete OF to my USB Stick, it works fantastic!

I use V3.3b!

Respect to your fantastic Work, looks awesome!

Thanks Daymos and thanks to all the other Guys who made this OF!


Registered User
whats the diffrence between v3.3b and 3.2b?
sry i've seen it don't care about this

Hi there,

Edu decided to go over all the faces I created and make some tweaks here and there.

Edu have also made changes to all the stats in the bundesliga and wants me to release it..

This past month I havent actually had time to post up but ill do it as an alternative if the changes are of interest to the perople reading.

Personally I wouldnt have invested time tweaking stats so late into the season since I know the rate of downloads decreases this time of year (for obvious reasons)

The reason I prefer the stats in PES Stats database for my bundesliga and npower teams is because it works well and the teams play well..

If I make changes like what edu has done.. then it means for someone to enjoy all these stat changes, they will need to restart any leagues or cups that they already have in progress..

This isnt what I'm about..


Registered User
Help daymons I download "Daymos v3.3b Bundsliga" but i cant see the emblems team for bundesliga ..

for example: bayerleverkusen (not emblem)
but npowers team yes, i can see emblems...

I install game and option file in my hard disc for my xbox ..

only ...wolfsburg, stuttgart, bayer munich i can see emblems.. .! and the other teams for bundes liga not.. so i see this picture from bayerleverkusen have emblem but in my pes not :S

pd: sorry for my english! XD!

edu madrid

Registered User
Help daymons I download "Daymos v3.3b Bundsliga" but i cant see the emblems team for bundesliga ..

for example: bayerleverkusen (not emblem)
but npowers team yes, i can see emblems...

I install game and option file in my hard disc for my xbox ..

only ...wolfsburg, stuttgart, bayer munich i can see emblems.. .! and the other teams for bundes liga not.. so i see this picture from bayerleverkusen have emblem but in my pes not :S

pd: sorry for my english! XD!

Hi, you need erase your saves from your HDD and after install whole the daymos v3.3b OF... If you install v3.3b save you must notice the emblems so I think you left some past save in your HDD... see you

Daymos I understand you... but when you have time please update the forum to people have alternative..and in next pes2012 if you want I can balance the Bundesliga stats to Konami stats but I'm waiting Konami create all stats to Bundesliga players..this is my dream....

see you guys!!!!


Registered User
Thanks edu.!
but i fix my problem !
my USBXTAFGUI only copy to .. uniform149.bin ...
so ... manually copy the rest uniform... and now i can see all emblems :)

thanks! and great work with tis OF!


Registered User
daymos will you update the option file with 2011-2012 kits??
and transfers update?
saludos de chile.juan tenorio;)
pd:that would be nice to play with new kits and new tranfers
pd2:Im enjoying the OF with all my friends hoping you do the same or better with pes 2012, I saw your work with new kits ans is awesome so I dont have doubts that pes 2012 OF gonna be great and gonna hit the game nearly his release day
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