New tool, looks good.
abScroll said:_/ DkZ Studio v0.90 _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
Include DSL Editor 1.2 for traslate the program to any language.
- Español.
- English.
- French.
- Portuguese (brazil).
- Italian.
- Simple Chinese.
New interface.
Compatibility with Xbox ISO.
Compatibility with new AFS structure. (PSP)
"New File" for create empty DkZ files.
"Adjust Size" for set up the Size of files into any AFS (using a list *.lst).
Import/Export for the hole content of loaded file.
Import a single source file over all checked files.
Organization of windows by Cascade, Tile Horizontal, Tile Vertical...
Drag'n'Drop from Windows to any loaded file.
"New Folder" (make new folders on any directory).
"Insert Folder" (get files from selected source folder and add it into current path).
"Insert Files" (select source files and add it to current path).
Copy/Paste files/folders (for use between files loaded into program).
Delete files/folders (used for AFS/DkZ files).
Folder Pagination. Show a specific amount of files for every folder (configurable).
Properties for every file/folder (right click)
Possibility of change Windows associed program for any file (from properties of file).
Toolbar for single files.
Options for view folders as icons, list, etc..
Autodetection and visualization of Readme.txt files in patches (configurable).
Manual search for AFS files when patching (if it's not find).
Intelligent control when renaming files.
Possibility for view Explorer Bar to left or right places.
New "Commun task" & "Details" for explorer bar.
Possibility to load new AFS from ISO file on same windows or create a new one.
New personal version for ADX2WAV tool (from source code of BERO).
Manual selection of ADX2WAV & ADXENCD tools at options (asking for they when a work not find them).
LST/CRC/SIZE (*.lst)
the LST are listing of files from an AFS/DkZ that can be used for different purposes.
- Rename files of any AFS/DkZ using the file names of any LST.
- Mark files that it's included on any LST.
- Adjust Size of files (when it's more than original one).
- CRC32 Checking for get all different files between LST (creat from other AFS/DkZ) & the AFS/DkZ loaded.
For make a LST file:
- "Tools -> LST Maker" for generate a normal listing (without crc32 cheking, fast).
- "Tools -> CRC Maker" for generate an advanced listing (with crc32 checking, slow).
New DBL files (*.dbl)
This files are used by DataBase Editor for get Flags/Emblems of any team/nationality.
Also DataBase Editor use it for load any game's DB without need of any executable file.
Improved patching engine.
Get windows default icons 32x32 & 16x16 for every file.
Get File Type String from system.
Save file use the File Type Strings.
Intelligent execution of file (by default double-click), opening it with the windows associed program (or hex editor).
File/Folder renaming.
Improved Multi-selection.
Treeview for every window (sizable and can be hidden).
Import use now the exact path for prevent troubles.
[ DataBase Editor 1.0 ]
New interface.
Support unicode text (read only for non-unicode systems).
Name editing for teams and players.
Data editing for teams and players.
Intelligent control for limited team names (UTF8)
Intelligent transfer mode like in-game editor.
Formations editing.
Captain/kickers editing.
Import/Export players.
Import/Export Teams (only teams data. No players, squad, or shirtNo.)
More Filters: All teams, club/national teams, leagues, nationalities, free players, players A-Z.
On fly generation of league filters for every country of all club teams.
Icons for club/national teams and nationalities (using *.dbl file).
Icons for all positions.
Export listing of teams (*.dbl).
[Supported Games]
DataBase Editor support any game beginning with Winnning Eleven 9 (as long as the game have same we9 structure).
DataBase Editor NOT support anyother game before to Winning Eleven 9.
The tested games are:
- Pro Evolution Soccer 5 (Ps2, Xbox, PC)
- Winning Eleven 9 UE (PSP)
- winning Eleven 9
[Data Files]
DBL List -> select the appropriate list for the game to load.
Executable (Ps2 only) -> SLPM_660.09 (we9), SLES_535.44 (pes5, beta or final).
Data Files for PS2 & PSP:
param_dat_teams -> unknow_00019.bin
para_dat_players -> unknow_00022.bin
2nd_para_dat_players -> unknow_00023.bin
formation_dat -> unknow_00024.bin
pd_data_license -> unknow_00025.bin
Data Files for Xbox:
param_dat_teams -> unknow_00019.bin
para_dat_players -> unknow_00028.bin
2nd_para_dat_players -> unknow_00029.bin
formation_dat -> unknow_00030.bin
pd_data_license -> unknow_00031.bin
When a DBL list is necessary:
- When you want to see the Icons flag/emblems.
- When you are going to load a game with a non-supported executable.
[ DataBase List Editor 0.5 ]
New tool for edit the DataBase List (*.dbl) files.
Name editing.
Short name editing.
Icon (flag/emblem) editing.
Team type editing.
Team nationality editing.
Import Icons from another DBL file.
The icons for flags/emblems must be 28x16 pixel.
Support BMP, ICO & GIF.
[ Zlib Editor 2.0 ]
New interface.
Added toolbox.
Improved load & save.
Detection of secundary pack files into the loaded pack.
Added open files directly (double-click).
Added *.afs extension support. (BOOT.AFS for example)
[ STR Editor 2.5 ]
New interface.
Added toolbox.
Added Unicode Support to list.
Improved the Import STR texts.
[ ISO Maker 1.2 ]
New interface.
More Speed.
Now it's a independent tool.
Task process on same window.
Log generator.
Added Save button for log.
[ ADX <-> WAV Conversor 0.9 ]
New interface.
Added configuration for WAV->ADX conversion on same window.
Process continue even if any file fail.
Now it's a independent tool.
Task process on same window.
Log generator.
Added Save button for log.
[ AFS Ripper 0.8 ]
New interface.
Auto-detection of Loop ADX and still same loop after downsample.
Process continue even if any file fail.
Task process on same window.
Log generator.
Added Save button for log.
[ DSL File / DSL Editor 1.2 ]
Some changes to interface.
Added personal flag*.
*Flag must be an ICO file to 24x16 pixels.
Download at: http://www.dekazeta.net/index.php?download=307
(you must be a registered user).
mattster12 said:Great great work man :applause:
Here's a direct link for peeps