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Do you need a Konami Patch for the OF updates


Registered User

I recently have bought PES2009. As a result I have no current patches installed on my PS3 and do not know where to get them I have looked everywhere for this Konami 1.40 Patch.

Can somone tell me where I can get it on the net and if Infact i need it to run these OF listed here.

Thanks for your help


Registered User
Just log in online with your PS3 before you load the actual game up mate. It should automatically download what is needed and take you through the process of installing it. After you have the 1.4 patch installed you should be able to use any good option file. I would wait for someone to update their OF with the summer transfers first. Wont be long now i doubt...unless someone has already posted an updated version. Im not sure as i havent used anyone's OF this year.


Registered User
Yeah, just do what that guy said. Then download the Von Option File by Muff. Best option file on the web. All the transfers upto 3rd September and all 09/10 kits! Search for it on google.


Registered User
Yeah, just do what that guy said. Then download the Von Option File by Muff. Best option file on the web. All the transfers upto 3rd September and all 09/10 kits! Search for it on google.

Hello Thanks for that,

When I first loaded pes it installed the update 1.4? So I am assuming its already on there.

And when I go into PES in the system settings download is greyed out so Im guessing I have the update is there any difinitive way to check?

Anyway I have loaded the Von option file copied to my PS but I get the cannot load data. However I have download von OF 2.04. So Im very confused can anyone help?

