Hell yes. What a shambles Twitter or shall I call it "TWATTER" actually is. I have never seen so much hatred and keyboard warriors commenting on subjects they know sod all about and then scream and shout when anyone tries to set them straight. Too many weirdos on that platform.
Howabout yourself? Are you still doing a bit of editing here and there? Still playing PES?
Yeah, given how much the family and job allows me, i play a save in PES2021 and one in PES 2020.
IT'S not that i am in love for both games,but at least they are at playable level for me on SS in ML.
Also i am in the minority, maybe alone, that i prefer 2020 over 2021 gameplay-wise, but 2021 helps me, having more custom teams to edit. Furthermore both PES and every modern PES kills me, not having more than one PEU to create both Bundesliga and some other smaller European Leagues, like my country League, Greek Super League. And additionally a generic Second Division linked to PEU for deeper ML experience, would be a good starting point.
As for Twitter, i very recently created a profile, not familiar exactly with the crowd and the toxicity, i can imagine though.
For the moment i only use it as a platform to upload my Nintendo Switch clips and pics.Itbis the only way available to share some media from Switch.