hey edgar
at first i have to say that your of is great. i'm german and all the kits and faces of the bundesliga are very good.
but i just found a little fault. julio cesar isn't in the game. instead of him m. friedrich of bayer leverkusen is in the team of inter and brazil. i think it is because you copied his hair. any idea if julio cesar is still in the game or how i can call this off?
Yes mate, my mistake i use his hair and fogheret default Julio Cesar, juts go to Julio Cesar and Pres "Y" in your control and default this player
El logo para la bundesliga no esta en el juego
Otro error mio amigo, como use la carpeta por default del buen de dragonskin olvide de meter el logo que yo hice de la Bundesliga. Puedes copiarlo manualmente del primer OF que bajaste o esperar a que lo vuelva a subir, con nuevas faces, accesorios, jugadores etc...