A guy told me today on ICQ that there is a nice Italian patch on lomungtung, called Edizione Glamourosa. I´ve downloaded and tested it, had only a few matches with it but it seems indeed very nice, has all CL teams in, also some extra Italian teams like Sampdoria, good shoes from what I´ve seen, some new graphics like coloured nets etc. The only disadvantage is that the whole patch is in Italian, and I´m not sure if it´s compatible with Fernando´s English translation. Someone has to test it, for me it´s ok, don´t have problems with the Italian menus
. The patch is about 2-3 weeks old, but worth a look. Take it from lomungtung, there is the main patch with 140 mb and the fix with 40 mb, put the fix just over the normal patch with ppf-o-matic