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[EXPORT] PS3 exported teams sharing thread BLES 01930


Registered User
Fantastic work mariolino !!!The next teams I corrected it tonight(home,away,gk and some third kits) : Anzhi,Salzburg,Rapid,Dnipro and Ludogorets.If for you no problem I would upload the repaired variants ;)
I would have a question from where you obtained the players' stats ?
Ludogorets players are overated according to me :D

ciao zsolt le statistiche le ho prese da altre patch io ho patch belgio austria romania e altre tutte per pes 2013 e le ho aggiustate per il pes 2014 ...mentre per le altre le ho prese da football manager ciaooo adesso sto creando giocatori giovani delle ander 21 giusto per eliminare i giocatori falsi e duplicati


Registered User
zsolt se vuoi posso aiutarti a creare altre squadre dimmi tu quali e poi tu te li sistemi meglio visto la tua esperienza e bravura ...fammi sapere quale squadre vuoi per me non ci sono problemi


Registered User
ciao zsolt le statistiche le ho prese da altre patch io ho patch belgio austria romania e altre tutte per pes 2013 e le ho aggiustate per il pes 2014 ...mentre per le altre le ho prese da football manager ciaooo adesso sto creando giocatori giovani delle ander 21 giusto per eliminare i giocatori falsi e duplicati

Fantastic work ! You may have had quite a lot of time :D


Registered User
zsolt se vuoi posso aiutarti a creare altre squadre dimmi tu quali e poi tu te li sistemi meglio visto la tua esperienza e bravura ...fammi sapere quale squadre vuoi per me non ci sono problemi

You are GREAT ! Thanks ! I correct a couple of things (mainly the correct kits and player accessories) and I upload the repaired teams :D


Registered User
Added first Europa League pack in the first post.Pack including Rapid Wien,Red Bull Salzburg,KRC Genk,Ludogorets Razgrad and Anzhi Makhachkala.Every players face and stats created marolino i added team kits and players accessories :D

Note : marolino exchanged with this teams the PAS League (fake asian league) teams.It how we shall be allowed to play with teams in the Champions League and Europa League go to edit mode and modified league structure :)

sameri yoda

Registered User
Added first Europa League pack in the first post.Pack including Rapid Wien,Red Bull Salzburg,KRC Genk,Ludogorets Razgrad and Anzhi Makhachkala.Every players face and stats created marolino i added team kits and players accessories :D

Note : marolino exchanged with this teams the PAS League (fake asian league) teams.It how we shall be allowed to play with teams in the Champions League and Europa League go to edit mode and modified league structure :)
that's what I thought but I don't know what teams to replace

sameri yoda

Registered User
Added Spartak Moskva in the first post :D

nice :D now I can have a few Moscow derbies between CSKA, Lokomotiv, Dynamo and now Spartak

plus importing all those teams has made me lose a few free agents cause they are been created over
one example is that I cant find Karim Bellarabi of Braunschweig(I deleted the one that came with the team and moved the proper player there)

Spartak Msc

Registered User
Hi, is there much to ask, could you make a full or Turkish, Ukrainian league teams on the basis of the Asian Division, and I try to lay out a full Russian Premier League?
P.S. нихуя не знаю английского, поэтому Гуггл в помощь мне :D


Registered User
Hi, is there much to ask, could you make a full or Turkish, Ukrainian league teams on the basis of the Asian Division, and I try to lay out a full Russian Premier League?
P.S. нихуя не знаю английского, поэтому Гуггл в помощь мне :D

Good idea,but it here created teams only play (after the own championship) in the AFC Champions League :(


Registered User
Complete LIGA MX team upload about Saturday with every 18 team (correct kits,accessories,line-ups and latest squad (ready for Apertura).I create it separately León,Tijuana and Toluca with new kits and squads like this the original variant of these teams they remained between the teams of the Copa Libertadores:)
