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[EXPORTS] Sharing Teams Thread


Registered User
Just want to check - I am on Xbox so plan on doing a large number of edits myself. I have a few questions and would be really grateful if someone could help?

1- My understanding is that Datapacks can cause issues with edits but that live updates do not - is this correct?
2- if this is the case, how do these work - do they auto download? Can I turn this off?
3- I THINK I need to make sure I add players to teams and export them if they will be removed by the datapack, then apply the datapack, then import my players back in to keep them - is that right? (I am talking about players who will be in the original data who I wish to keep who have since joined clubs who are not in the game)
4- I don't think that the game will mess with my team name edits - is this correct?

So, to summarise, I think I need to;
1- Move any bundesliga players who have joined clubs not in game & international players for teams with fake names who have joined clubs not in game to teams and export them.
2- Apply data pack.
3- Import & create bundesliga
4- Never apply any further datapacks.

Is that right?


Registered User
I dont get Konami. they add 16 other European teams but then remove 16 fake teams. could been great to either make another league or just a variety of teams. I mean just leave them in. I didnt think they would remove them.

Yeah, and i don´t forget they remove from PES 2014 the teams from PDII League since today. Europa League is doomed. :(
Someone please contact adam and tell him to give us teams.
And is lying, because always says it doesn´t work with konami and other messages he says we are working hard to give everything you want.
Decide please... you work? or you are out? Please give me a break.

I don´t patch PS4 but this year PC will have the same thing.

The Dude

His Dudeness
Hey Everyone !!

After the success in PES 2017 let's make it again! Let's share our work for all of us either enjoy more of our beloved game? I hope to support the idea to have the widest range of teams!

When you post, please use this default:

(TEAM NAME) -- (TEAM BASE) - (Kits Size example 1024x1024) by (Creator Name)

Please, one important thing is to use National Teams players already present in the game.
By this way, we won't have duplicate players in club teams created and use the players from the team you are editing. If you use them all then you should create a player.

I'll index all the teams in a single post!!!!


Olá a todos !!

Depois do sucesso no PES 2017 vamos fazer isso de novo! Vamos compartilhar nosso trabalho para que todos possam desfrutar o maximo do jogo! Acredito que vocês vão abraçar a ideia para termos o muitos times !

Quando você for postar um time, por favor siga esse padrão:

(NOME DO TIME) -- (BASE DO TIME) - (Resolução do uniforme, exemplo 1024x1024) by (Nome do Criador)

Por favor, é importante que vocês usem os jogadores que já estão presentes no jogo no elenco das seleções nacionais, fazendo isso não teremos jogadores duplicados nos times criados, e usem o elenco do time base para criar os jogadores, se precisar de mais jogadores usem o criar jogador.

Vou juntar todos os times em um só topico!

Just a should make one thread of just people posting the finished team. No chit chat. Then leave this one to discuss. Also is there a consensus on what fake teams will be bundesliga and the champions league teams so everyone is on the same page? Then the rest can be optional.


Registered User
Just a should make one thread of just people posting the finished team. No chit chat. Then leave this one to discuss. Also is there a consensus on what fake teams will be bundesliga and the champions league teams so everyone is on the same page? Then the rest can be optional.

Good Idea. I'll create this one in completed option File forum.
