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Face Scans By Mighty__Mag

kung fu

Registered User
@ Mighty_Mag

I know you have a lot of request for players face scans and I understand that you can't make everyone that is requested on here, so I decided to have a go at making the two players I myself requested a few pages back. I know their not quite up to the standards of yours but considering I don't have a descent photo editor like photo-shop, I think they aren't bad for my first attempt at making face scans.

Jay Spearing, Liverpool

If you are not happy with me posting them in this topic then please do let me know so that I can then remove them asap.:cool:


Registered User
@ Mighty_Mag

I know you have a lot of request for players face scans and I understand that you can't make everyone that is requested on here, so I decided to have a go at making the two players I myself requested a few pages back. I know their not quite up to the standards or yours but considering I don't have a descent photo editor like photo-shop, I think they aren't bad for my first attempt at making face scans.

Jay Spearing, Liverpool

Martin Kelly, Liverpool

If you are not happy with me posting them in this topic then please do let me know so that I can then remove them asap.:cool:

Did you know? In my country, asap is a word. It means 'SMOKE'!!!!


Registered User
@ Mighty_Mag

I know you have a lot of request for players face scans and I understand that you can't make everyone that is requested on here, so I decided to have a go at making the two players I myself requested a few pages back. I know their not quite up to the standards or yours but considering I don't have a descent photo editor like photo-shop, I think they aren't bad for my first attempt at making face scans.

If you are not happy with me posting them in this topic then please do let me know so that I can then remove them asap.:cool:

Yeah good effort, & your'e right i am busy so i dont always remember to do faces for every request, but i thought i had already done Kelly? seems not....

I am very busy now with the GTM option file so faces will be left for a while why i add my graphics to the GTM file all my new scans are going in the file and the exclusives are going in there too,

about posting the images you dont need to remove them, just dont start posting any others thanks ;)


oh here's the Kelly I thought I had already done!

Kelly LIverpool

Did you know? In my country, asap is a word. It means 'SMOKE'!!!!

that was completely needless to post in thread for faces really? and to quote in full?

kung fu

Registered User
@ Mighty_Mag

I only attempted the two players I had previously requested in this topic, so I have no plans to make or post any others. (I'll stick to making CAW's)

And thanks for posting your Martin Kelly (so much clearer/sharper details than mine), it's much appreciated.:)

Also any idea if or when the option file your working on is going to be released?


Registered User
@ Mighty_Mag

I only attempted the two players I had previously requested in this topic, so I have no plans to make or post any others. (I'll stick to making CAW's)

And thanks for posting your Martin Kelly (so much clearer/sharper details than mine), it's much appreciated.:)

Also any idea if or when the option file your working on is going to be released?


Yeah thanks, & the option file has been out for a while now, hell of a file with over 1000 files to transfer we are currently up to 1.4 of the GTM pro world file, but I am now working on 1.5 and should have it back to Glen to release next week some time, head over to the PS3 completed Option files and check it out if you did not know about it, its the best UK file there is.....

;) MM

kung fu

Registered User

Yeah thanks, & the option file has been out for a while now, hell of a file with over 1000 files to transfer we are currently up to 1.4 of the GTM pro world file, but I am now working on 1.5 and should have it back to Glen to release next week some time, head over to the PS3 completed Option files and check it out if you did not know about it, its the best UK file there is.....

;) MM

CAW's (Create A Wrestler) form the Smackdown! Vs RAW games, CAW's is my area of expertise and I usually make and post my creations over at the forums.

But since I no longer have the Smackdown! game I've been trying out the creation sections on the PES games, I was just using the in-game editor to make & edit my players but after seeing this topic and seeing how much better the players looked using this face scan method I then requested a couple of Liverpool players missing their correct faces to complete my squad.

Also can you please tell me which Liverpool players are done or will be included in the option file update? because I may like to check it out as I'm currently using the option file released by WENB which only did the kits and stadiums, but I don't want to lose the players that I've already done myself that might not be included in this option file.


Registered User
I made faces for nearly all the ones that did not already have them like Carroll etc, then added extra players like , Shelvey, Kelly, Ive just done scans for Robinson, Sterling, Henderson, Pacheco, Charlie Adam, Flanaghan, Ince, pretty much anyone missing ive done, had not done Spearing though


Registered User
mate are you still doing requests, if so can you make a Carlos vela face scan i would be much appreciated cheers:)
??? any luck and if its not too much trouble messi as his gameface on pes 2011 is shocking. please reply as soon as you can.


Registered User
could you do james mccarthy wigan
ryo miyaichi arsenal
lucas sao paulo
and by the way what's the best jack wilshere you have every one iv used doesn't look that good



Registered User
@ tevans91

Lucas Moura is in the option file new 1.5 patch, & I have a new Wilshire that is going in there too, it looks alot better, use Darren Fletcher hair for Wilshire, I will release the scans when the option file is complete

Regards MM


Requests are off at the minute :(
