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Face Scans By Mighty__Mag


Registered User
Cheers man!

For Sebastian Coates use base copy method

use the face of Luis Garcia of Espanyol, then use the hair Long Straight 34

looks like the image below ;)

Good call on the face Mag but Bolatti's hair might be more accurate, at least until I can find something darker


Registered User
try this one


Registered User
Hey mag can u please do the following can't find them anywhere:

Rodney Sneijder






Genaro Snijders


These guys will really come in handy for me thanks!!!


Registered User
Vipertype can you not read or something? Mighty_Mag has clearly stated multiple times not to post images in this thread.

Also you couldn't have searched very hard as if you did you would have found Cleverley and Eriksen have already been made.


Registered User
Mag, any chance of samaras from celtic, craig bellamy and steven naismith from rangers??

Samaras' original face on the game looks nothing like him..

cheers bro!
