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Face Scans Request


Registered User
Hi everyone I did my own face scans throughout pes 2009 and got pretty handy at them now I wanna share this on Pes 2010 simply request the player and his club along with a pic ( preferablly no teeth showing and equal light balance) and ill post a link on here you so u can upload and put on ur game. Alternativley any other creators can upload there's here on the page, if you'd like to help jus let me know thanks


Registered User
sounds good ive done quite a few , i can post the pics soon. depends hat nations tho
ive done chile , and uruguay and paraguay , id like mexico tho too


Registered User
what pic is required and what size do you need. i am wanting to put sheffield united in my game. so i would like to know how to go about this.


Registered User
If you send me pics, prefably with no teeth showing and equal light balance, ill do my best then post a screenshot with a download link


Registered User
just a quick question... i have a few faces done from the pc versions of faces (im on ps3 btw) was just wondering if there is a limit to the amount of faces you can have on console..


Registered User
just a quick question... i have a few faces done from the pc versions of faces (im on ps3 btw) was just wondering if there is a limit to the amount of faces you can have on console..

well so far i have about 20 faces done .. its ok . annoying this is..
and this is
to everyone.

if you plan to insert an option file with someone elses edit data, then u will loose yours , so do your faces after the option file.

BUT someone can do a face option file.

i have done few players as i said as soon as i get time i will post pics.

best option is go to google and just look for a pic urself on usb and then transfer .
BUT quality isnt always as good ... need better faces withg decent print .


Registered User
i have been toying with the pc versions of faces then converting them in photoshop for ps3 :D these seem to provide excellent versions of faces

for instance blackburns pedersen here...

or luke young from villa... who everyone knows the default face makes him look black in the game lol...

then its just mucking about with the contrast and colours to blend in the face for ingame

or another hard one to get spearing (liverpool).. you just cant put that amount of uglyness with build mode lol

or degen (liverpool)



Registered User
could you do me a bunch of them? for coventry city.......keiran westwood,aaron gunnarson,elliot ward,stephen wright (i had fun trying to make his because he is butt ugly) marcus hall (also butt ugly) and freddy eastwood,if u get really bored i can send more haha thanks in advance mate

quote "or young from villa... who everyone knows he is black in the game lol..." i think you will find ashley young is black but the 1 you have above is luke young,dont want to nit pick mate sorry


Registered User
no probs i meant luke young.. in the game his skin colours all wrong and the shape of the template they use makes him look black... thanks for pointing that out i edited the post to make it a bit clearer


Registered User
wow thats better mate.

if you ever get time could you do ..

abreu for uruguay,
a.sanchez for chile
bravo for mexico


Registered User
i have been toying with the pc versions of faces then converting them in photoshop for ps3 :D these seem to provide excellent versions of faces

for instance blackburns pedersen here...

or luke young from villa... who everyone knows the default face makes him look black in the game lol...

then its just mucking about with the contrast and colours to blend in the face for ingame

or another hard one to get spearing (liverpool).. you just cant put that amount of uglyness with build mode lol

or degen (liverpool)

those pics do you just copy them to ps3 folder on usb stick and input into game or do they need size etc adjusting?


Registered User
you copy them onto PS3 via usb just like the kits... go into scan.. import data.. you can then edit the picture and the model of the face before you save.. it will give you a menu...

then what i do is toy around with the settings to add depth the the faces, cheekbones .. position the mouth etc (triangle) on ps3.. and blend them in with contrast and colours... they look incredible in the game

i save them with an average 300 px width so theyre usually bigger than what you need.. and shrinking doesnt affect the picture too much..

when you scan the face there is a marker to show you where the eyes and mouth should be.. when you build after adding the picture the best way i can put it is.. you can fill out the face with the model underneath so it looks 3d... its a bit like using clay or putty and putting the picture as a mask on the face..

some need resizing but they are mostly the right size if theyre too big put them on the face and then go into the build ~ i think its triangle again, click top menu) itll let you shrink the face so it helps get rid of shadows or the cuttoff from the pic, as it fades the picture at the sides..

"using photoshop/ gimp etc..." If you cant get the face looking straight ahead.. what i do is usually copy one pupil and put it in the middle... then white out the remaining pupil of the eye that was pasted over using the colours from the pic... thats what had to be done with the spearing pic.. he was looking to the left.. i copied the right pupil after putting it in the middle.. then copied and dropped it onto the left eye and blended the eye to look like he was looking straight ahead..


Registered User
U R A L E G E N D brill mate lol

im gnna get a habbit for buggin u .. forgive.

if u can , again entirly up to you

mark gonzalez-chile /liverpool
humberto suazo -chile


Registered User
Hi twisteddeeds, thanks for the great faces! I tried copying some and they show as "corrupted files" in my PS3. I had done this before without problems. Any idea of what migth be happening? Thanks!
