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Face Scans Request


Registered User

Pompey Fan

Registered User
I don't have any pictures otherwise I'd use them myself, but can I please request a few faces?

Joel Ward
Matt Ritchie
Marlon Pack
Nadir Ciftci
Liam O'Brien

Thanks in advance


Registered User
Superb work so far!!

Was wondering wether you could thrash out the cardiff city squad for me, my attempts so far have been pretty naff!!


Registered User

Different technique,

But we are still left with light and dark on the face, the left side when used in edit mode would not work? as you cannot corect the skin tone to match unless both sides of the face are the same colour blend? use the colour grabing tool to get the closest match then use fine spray reduced to match skin tones evenly....

also teeth showing, there are easy ways to add a closed mouth or even reduce the mouth slightly then close it, have you tried using the clone tool,
cut n paste works well when needing to shuffle things about, mouths eyes etc....

never the less we learn different ideas all the time, ;)


Registered User
Different technique,

But we are still left with light and dark on the face, the left side when used in edit mode would not work? as you cannot corect the skin tone to match unless both sides of the face are the same colour blend? use the colour grabing tool to get the closest match then use fine spray reduced to match skin tones evenly....

also teeth showing, there are easy ways to add a closed mouth or even reduce the mouth slightly then close it, have you tried using the clone tool,
cut n paste works well when needing to shuffle things about, mouths eyes etc....

never the less we learn different ideas all the time, ;)

My technique varies each time.haha

I do use the clone tool as well as the new content-aware feature in CS5. For closing mouths I tend to use the warp tool.
