Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884
Looks Very Good
Hair D.Fernandes (Portugal)
Base {1} {8} {1} {5} {-7,-1} {0} {2} {-3} {0} {4} {5,5} {7}
Brows {6} {2} {2} {1} {-5} {1} {-3} {-1} {3} {r21 g16 b10}
Eyes {7}{9} {6} {-1} {3} {5} {3,-5} {-5} {-3} {-2} {-1} {-5,-5}{bright}{6}
Ears {-5} {7,-3}
Nose {5,-4} {0,0} {-3} {0} {7,-1} {-2}
Mouth {3} {-4} {-1} {1,0} {3,0} {6,-3} {-5}
Jaw {3} {4} {7}
HEIGHT - 5" 10 (178cm)
WEIGHT - 60 - 66 KG
C'mon dude. Show some love with the credit?:crymore:
since i found viggans el mohammedi. could someone please try robert vittek (slovakia)thanks guys and as always great work
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This isn't very good I'm afraid but it's the best I can do. Sorry but I'm hamstrung by his hair. Lustig's would be good if he tucked it all behind his ears but it's still the best I could find. I've trawled through everything I thought might yield something better but no luck.
Predrag Stevanović (Werder Bremen (needs creating))
Hair: Lustig (Sweden NT)
Base: 1, 2, 6, +1, (-3,1), +2, +2, -1, +3, 2, (-1,-2), -3
Brows: 4, 1, 1, +7, +7, +7, +7, +1, 3, (16,12,9)
Eyes: 15, 12, -1, +3, +1, +1, (1,2), -1, -1, -2, -1, (1,-2), Bright, 7
Ears: -3, (5,-1)
Nose: (-3,6), (4,-1), +2, +3, (-1,3), +1
Mouth: 2, +1, +2, (1,-2), (0,-2), (-6,-5), -1
Jaw: -2, +2, -1
Beard: 19, 3, (8,8,8)
Physique: Neck length: giraffe (+7), Neck Size: 0, Leg Length: +4, everything else: -2
Accessories: white Predator X, shirt tucked in, undershirt off
EDIT: @cedo Do you know what's happened with Moreira? He's not on Partizan's wiki page in the current squad but his personal wiki page doesn't have any info and I can't be bothered to dig myself :laugh:
EDIT EDIT: ...and Davidov as well
stevanovic looks good! thx meat!
moreira is trying to get a contract with a chinese team! our a*shole of president played a fucked up game with him to kick him out of our club...we the fans are all sad about that because "Dr.Mo" was the best foreigner who played in serbia...he was a fighter and played football with his heart...sorry but when it comes to moreira i m getting a little bit to emotional![]()
Róbert Vittek (Slovakia NT)
Hair: De Zeeuw (Netherlands NT)
Base: 1, 14, 6, +1, (0,5), +5, -1, +1, +7, 7, (-1,0), +2
Brows: 9, 1, 1, +5, +7, +4, +3, -2, 3, (16,12,9)
Eyes: 1, 1, -3, +3, +2, 0, (2,5), +1, -3, -4, -1, (-6,-2), Bright, 6
Ears: -2, (3,0)
Nose: (-3,5), (1,4), -1, -1, (-2,1), -2
Mouth: 3, -1, +1, (1,-1), (2,-1), (1,-3), +3
Jaw: +4, +3, +1
Beard: 29, 4, (7,4,2)
Physique: Neck length: -2 (this isn't on the pics)
Accessories: black Predator X, lh white wristband, untucked shirt, undershirt off
Thanks biaz78....
Pavel Nedved (Classic Czech PES Shop)
Hair: long,wavy,4,Haircolor R47 G40 B30
Beard: none
dude r u trying to get the pes face makers fired,lol. faces r both sick, both maldini and nedved. much respect to all of you face makers u r so talented