Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884
I use fabio from man utds hair for David luiz its a bit shorter and darker but I think it looks better in game
Giovane Elber
Hair: Garango (Napoli)
Beard: 18/2/balck
Neck lengh: -1
Neck size: +1
Yea i think that's a good choice. Although i use Rafael myself. Slightly different fringe.
This is my build of David Luiz. I'll post formula later if anyone wants it
Yes, please! For some reason, Rafael and Fabio have short hair in my PES version. Maybe after the update?
Yea i think that's a good choice. Although i use Rafael myself. Slightly different fringe.
This is my build of David Luiz. I'll post formula later if anyone wants it
I know what you mean... You want to create a face for "Become A Legend" like Ronaldinho's...
Firstly, go to the Edit section, Create Player, Basecopy, select Ronaldinho from AC Milan side. Now you will have a basecopied Ronaldinho... You can now install the latest DLC... Transfer Ronaldinho back to AC Milan (or any other club)
You now have to go to Extra Content, Mode Expansion Kit, Become A Legend 1 - costs 600 PES Points. You can now select Ronaldinho to be your BAL Player.
Can someone please do Shaun Derry for me?,r:10,s:0
Hope it will work!
Thanks in advance
Any of you guys doing Faces for BAL? i was wondering if someoen could make my face.. as preset because my pics arent good for scanning.
david luiz
base 1\13\1\1\-7,-2\4\0\5\5\3\7,5\7
brows 7\1\3\5\-7\-4\-4\5\4\same as hair
eyes 14\11\4\-4\-1\-7\-7,-7\4\-2\7\-5\-7,-3\bright\6
ears -5\1,-4
nose 2,7\-7,1\7\4\-4,1\-4
mouth 5,-6\4\7,2\-1,4\-2,-3\-5
jaw -2\1\3
beard 29\4\rgb 44 31 26
hair rafael - manchester united