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Faces by norek


Registered User
bad photos. I close vanbasten topic because he dont have good photos and I dont wanna him.....
I remember but I think this men is good....


Registered User
Keep looking, Aspia. Someone somewhere must have a good Van Basten photo where he is not grinning and looking straight into the camera.


Registered User
Download PES5- 2 FacePack vol.1 by norek

***Download PES5- 2 FacePack vol.1 by norek***​


Registered User
You have made an art of face making. Konami and EA can only dream of such beautiful work.


Registered User
Poffeman said:
I agree,cant like Hitman or someone get him a job at Konami or something ?

Yes, Hitman is a very influential man in the internet and the gaming world so he can do it by just snapping his fingers...:rolleyes:

What Norek can do is trademark/register his work and send it to the Konami lazy sons of gits. If they like it they may hire him or buy the rights to his faces for the next installment. But i think they just dont give a crap about faces which is quite obvious because we are talking about one of the oldest and largest gaming companies on the planet. I somehow doubt that these are the best their programers could come up with...or is it?


Registered User
Hi. I working on a FC Barcelona facepack...
-Van Bommel
-Van Bronckhorst
