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[FACES] Classic Faces by daizaemonkaze


Registered User
Thanks :D

No new classic faces right now, I'm making the lists of real names of Brazilian players:happy:
The list of copa libertadores will be finished this weekend:w00t


Registered User

David Platt,Steve McManaman,Teddy Sheringham,Ruud Krol,Jürgen Kohler Andreas Möller,Bodo Illgner,Thomas Helmer,Christian Ziege,Stefan Reuter,Thomas Hässler,Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, Alessandro Costacurta Giuseppe Bergomi , Dino Baggio,Gianluca Vialli , Roberto Mancini, Marius Trésor,Juan Pablo Sorín,Roberto Sensini,Daniel Passarella, Rai,Zinho,Kily González,Sepp Maier,Fernando Couto,Aleksandr Mostovoi,Hugo Sánchez,Brian Laudrup, Michel Preud'homme,Jairzinho,Dwight Yorke, Andy Cole

Toute aide pour ses faces est la bienvenue merci d'avance.

Allan C

Registered User
Good afternoon!

I would like to make a suggestion, when I try to faces of classic players I try to make a team and never can, I will give an example: if I do I think Real Madrid Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos, Zidane, Figo, Redondo among others, but always missing some position as I. Helguera, Pavon, Etc ..

The same happens in the selections, I will give the example of Argentina, Batistuta, Caniggia, Veron, Redondo, Simeone, Ayala, however lacking Sensini, Chamort, Goycochea, thank attention and thank you for your work.


Registered User
If you have a BLES PS3, you can download my Classic France, and Old School Brazil teams - they have Tresor and Rivelino done.

Dzajic in a few weeks when I do Classic Balkans...

I play pes 2015 on PC and have not pes 2015 for ps3 :(
can you make please Rivelino and Tresor for PC ?? please...


Registered User
wauw just looked at some faces, you are really good!! i know this thread is about classic players, but i really want to get a good face of viktor fischer(ajax)?!?! searced all over internet.and didnt find a good looking face :(
