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[Faces & Kits] Faces by Homer S.

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Allan C

Registered User
Good afternoon!

How do I put their classic uniforms in my pes 2015?

You have the possibility to make the face of Guti? thank you.

Homer S.

Registered User
i dont know , if gurkenjoe release his germany 94 classic kit. so i decided to make the germany classic kit by myself...



Registered User
Cool kits bro.

is there anyway i could convert pc kits to ps3 i have all morocco league but cant use them?

Homer S.

Registered User
Would you give me tips on how to do it. Trying to create the Moroccan league

sorry , i don´t give a lesson about Ps or Gimp...:no:
but if you want to make it so ...
use Photoshop, Gimp or whatever ... cut it out and bring it to the correct size ....


Registered User
i dont know , if gurkenjoe release his germany 94 classic kit. so i decided to make the germany classic kit by myself...

Homer, got it .too great !! Use your kits for home kits.Gurkenjoe's kits for away kits . Thanks ! Thanks !!


Registered User
Homer i like your faces can you create a face of Younis Mahmoud Iraqi player his name ign is Younahs ican send pics hope you do it
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