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[Faces & Kits] Faces by Homer S.

Homer S.

Registered User
WOW OMG !!! Homer Sensei we love you, me and my brother Jontxu !!! : '):'): ') Do not know how easy you gotta get a smile ....:') THANK YOU !! ^^

Spanish: WOW OMG!!! te queremos mucho Sensei Homero, yo y mi hermanito Jontxu!!! :') :') :') no sabes lo facil que conseguiste sacarle una sonrisa....:') GRACIAS!! ^^:dribble::wub::crymore: :laugh:

thank you,mate:blush:

Homer S.

Registered User
Classic Juventus Turin Home Kit



Registered User
Awesome kit but I see a few mistakes on the kit:

1. The blank for the number is a circle:

2 - The lines of the pants are a bit curved:

3 - Missing the lotto badge at the bottom left of the front shirt:


Homer S.

Registered User
Awesome kit but I see a few mistakes on the kit:

1. The blank for the number is a circle:

2 - The lines of the pants are a bit curved:

3 - Missing the lotto badge at the bottom left of the front shirt:

thank´s peda...
and yes you´re right. i will change it maybe weekend


Registered User
thank you,mate:blush:

Good evening Sensei Homer! you will do the GK1 kit Spain WC 1994 to complete the package?

GK1: shirt; Red / Black / silvery gray blue,
shorts dark blue.
socks: dark blue.

GK2: shirt; light blue / black / dark green
shorts; black
socks; black



PS: I think the neck ADIDAS logo should be larger.

Many thanks to all kitmakers are unique !!, YOU, Peda, glen, Gary, Charlie, Nemi, Carrasco, Angeltorero, etc .... and the great JackWhoBra jijiji ^^

Muy buenas noches Sensei Homer! vas a hacer el kit GK1 de España para completar el paquete WC 1994?

GK1: camiseta; rojo /azul oscuro/ gris plateado,
shorts: azul oscuro.
socks: azul oscuro.

GK2: camiseta; azul celeste/negro/verde oscuro
shorts; negro
socks; negras



PD: Creo que el logo ADIDAS del cuello deberia ser mas grande.

Muchisímas gracias a todos los kitmakers son únicos!!, TÚ, Peda, Glen, Gary, Charlie, Nemi, Carrasco, Angeltorero, etc....y el gran JackWhoBra jijiji ^^


Registered User
Good evening Sensei Homer! you will do the GK1 kit Spain WC 1994 to complete the package?

GK1: shirt; Red / Black / silvery gray blue,
shorts dark blue.
socks: dark blue.

GK2: shirt; light blue / black / dark green
shorts; black
socks; black



PS: I think the neck ADIDAS logo should be larger.

Many thanks to all kitmakers are unique !!, YOU, Peda, glen, Gary, Charlie, Nemi, Carrasco, Angeltorero, etc .... and the great JackWhoBra jijiji ^^

Muy buenas noches Sensei Homer! vas a hacer el kit GK1 de España para completar el paquete WC 1994?

GK1: camiseta; rojo /azul oscuro/ gris plateado,
shorts: azul oscuro.
socks: azul oscuro.

GK2: camiseta; azul celeste/negro/verde oscuro
shorts; negro
socks; negras



PD: Creo que el logo ADIDAS del cuello deberia ser mas grande.

Muchisímas gracias a todos los kitmakers son únicos!!, TÚ, Peda, Glen, Gary, Charlie, Nemi, Carrasco, Angeltorero, etc....y el gran JackWhoBra jijiji ^^

A GK-kit has already been made by andaluzps4 ☺


Registered User

English:Good morning Sensei fceastfunen thank you very much for your help, but I think the kits edited by Sensei Andaluzps4 are not very well done, indeed they are a bit "weird / ridiculous" because both designs how the size shield of Spain looks like a joke, and in very bad taste, since then expelled him / removed / banearon the forum, anyway thank you very much for your cooperation !, Kind regards! ^^

Español:Muy buenos días Sensei fceastfunen muchas gracias por tu ayuda, pero creo que los kits editados por el Sensei Andaluzps4 no están muy bien hechos, es más son un poco "raros/ridiculos" pues tanto los diseños cómo el tamaño del escudo de España parece una broma, y de muy mal gusto, pues luego le expulsaron/eliminaron/banearon del foro, muchas gracias de todas formas por tu colaboracion!, un saludete! ^^

PD: Gracias Sensei Peda por fijarte en el escudo correcto de la Juve! ;), muchos besos y abracetes de nuestra parte!


Registered User
Spain ´94 Gk Kit

Very good morning Sensei Homer thank you very much for editing fast so the GK1 of Spain !.

Please could you do the captain's armband or bracelet are two white stripes on the outside, dark blue and slightly diagonally Spanish flag.

Thank you very much on behalf of my brother Jontxu and mine, we love you!:w00t:crymore::wub::blush:


Muy buenos días Sensei Homer muchas gracias por editar tán rápido el GK1 de España!.

Por favor podrías hacer la cinta de capitán o brazalete, son dos rayas blancas por fuera, fondo azul oscuro y bandera española ligeramente en diagonal.

Muchas gracias de parte de mi hermano Jontxu y mío , te queremos mucho !



Registered User
Please Homer S., request this faces, master.

Khosro Heydari "P. AMBLER" (Iran NT)
Mehrdad Pooladi "T. STEIN" (Iran NT)
Reza Ghoochannejhad (Charlton Athletic / Iran NT)
Sebastien Corchia (LOSC Lille)
Jalal Hosseini "R. BYERS" (Iran NT)

Greetings, Homer S.


Registered User
Please Homer S., request this faces, master.

Khosro Heydari "P. AMBLER" (Iran NT)
Mehrdad Pooladi "T. STEIN" (Iran NT)
Reza Ghoochannejhad (Charlton Athletic / Iran NT)
Sebastien Corchia (LOSC Lille)
Jalal Hosseini "R. BYERS" (Iran NT)

Greetings, Homer S.

Read the rules before posting.
Do not request the same thing in many different threads at once. You can request in one specific creator's thread you want and wait for their response. If they decline or they haven't reply in one week then you can request in another creator's thread. Or you can just request it at the request thread.
Do not repeat this again, a second offence will result in a booking, along with every offence after that;)


Registered User
wow homer, as i know you from many years back, when i was as an editor myself, have to say that your faces improved incredibly! for real, amazing job! just needed to say this ,)

hammer arbeit ,) bist richtig gut geworden^^
