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[FACES][PS4][NO REQUESTS] Pes 2016 facebuilds by kitfisto


Registered User
Omar Elabdellaoui (Olimipiacos Piräus)

Skin: 2/+4/+7/+1/+5/+7
Eyes: +2/+2/+7/1/+4/type 1/type 2/+7/+0/-4/-3/-2/+2/-7/-1/-3
Eyebrows: type 2/type 4/+2/+0/+3/black/-2/-1/-5/+2/-7
Nose: type 4/+2/-2/+0/+0/+3/type 2
Mouth: type 2/type 3/+1/+4/+5/+1/+2
Beard: type 6/black/+0
Jaw: type 2/+6/type 3/+3/-3/-4/+3/+2
Ears: -3/+7/+5

Overall: normal/short/+1
Front: combed back/left 1/type 1/wide
Site/Back: cropped/type 1
Haircolor/Extras: type 4/off/-

neck length: +2
neck thickness: +1


Registered User
Britt Assombalonga (Nottingham Forest)

Skin: 5/+0/+7/+0/-1/+3
Eyes: -2/+3/+7/1/-3/type 6/type 1/-1/-1/-2/-7/-7/+2/-5/+3/+3
Eyebrows: type 1/type 4/+2/+0/+3/black/+2/+3/+2/+2/-7
Nose: type 2/-3/+5/-5/+0/-3/type 1
Mouth: type 2/type 3/+7/-2/+7/+7/-4
Beard: type 3/black/+1
Jaw: type 4/+1/type 3/+0/-4/-7/+3/-1
Ears: -6/+1/-2

Overall: dry/very short/+6
Front: up/-/type 1/normal
Site/Back: cropped/type 2
Haircolor/Extras: type 6/off/-

neck length: -7
neck thickness: -3


Registered User
Nemanja Nikolic (Hungary NT)

Skin: 1/+1/+3/+0/+2/+7
Eyes: +0/+3/+6/1/+3/type 2/type 3/+4/+2/+5/+1/-5/+0/-6/+2/-2
Eyebrows: type 4/type 1/+0/+1/+3/black/-7/-7/-1/-3/-6
Nose: type 5/+1/-1/-1/+5/-7/type 4
Mouth: type 3/type 3/+0/+4/+6/+2/-5
Beard: type 6/black/+0
Jaw: type 4/+0/type 1/+3/-4/+1/+2/+2
Ears: -4/-1/+4

Overall: normal/short/+1
Front: up/left 1/type 2/normal
Site/Back: cropped/type 1
Haircolor/Extras: type 4/off/-

neck length: -3
neck thickness: +0


Registered User
Gianluigi Donnarumma (AC Milan)

Skin: 2/+4/+4/+0/-5/+2
Eyes: +0/+0/+7/3/+2/type 1/type 3/+0/+2/+3/-7/+3/-5/-2/+3/+6
Eyebrows: type 1/type 4/+0/+0/+3/black/-3/+4/+0/+3/+0
Nose: type 3/-7/+1/+1/+3/+5/type 1
Mouth: type 2/type 3/-2/-4/+7/+1/+2
Beard: type 3/black/+1
Jaw: type 2/+3/type 3/+2/-3/-7/+4/-1
Ears: +4/+4/+0

Overall: dry/medium/+1
Front: combed back/left 2/type 1/normal
Site/Back: cropped/type 1
Haircolor/Extras: type 4/off/-

neck length: -1
neck thickness: -4


Registered User
Santi Mina (FC Valencia)

Skin: 3/+6/+6/+1/-7/+7
Eyes: -7/+7/+4/3/+7/type 3/type 1/+7/+7/-7/+6/-1/-6/-1/+7/+3
Eyebrows: type 1/type 4/+2/+0/+3/black/-7/+7/-7/+7/-7
Nose: type 2/-7/+2/-2/+3/-3/type 2
Mouth: type 1/type 2/-1/-3/+7/-1/+1
Beard: off
Jaw: type 1/+1/type 3/-1/+7/-7/+5/-7
Ears: +1/-4/+7

Overall: dry/long/+1
Front: combed back/left 2/type 1/narrow
Site/Back: cropped/type 1
Haircolor/Extras: type 1/off/-

neck length: +4
neck thickness: +2


Registered User
Marcel Hilßner (SV Werder Bremen)

Skin: 1/+2/+5/+0/+0/+7
Eyes: +2/+1/+7/11/-1/type 3/type 2/+2/+0/+2/+4/-1/-5/-1/+4/+3
Eyebrows: type 1/type 3/+1/+0/+2/black/-3/-3/-7/+0/+0
Nose: type 4/+1/+3/-4/+2/-7/type 1
Mouth: type 1/type 3/+3/+4/+5/+1/+0
Beard: off
Jaw: type 4/+4/type 3/-1/-3/-7/+3/-2
Ears: +1/-2/+4

Overall: dry/short/+0
Front: combed back/left 2/type 1/wide
Site/Back: cropped/type 1
Haircolor/Extras: type 3/off/-

neck length: +4
neck thickness: +0


Registered User
Kerim Carolus (HSV)

Skin: 2/+3/+2/+0/-5/+7
Eyes: -7/+1/+0/1/+0/type 5/type 1/+4/+0/-3/+7/-7/-2/-5/+3/+0
Eyebrows: type 1/type 6/+1/+1/+3/black/-2/+7/+4/-2/-6
Nose: type 2/-6/-1/+3/-1/-2/type 1
Mouth: type 1/type 2/+1/-3/-4/+3/-3
Beard: off
Jaw: type 2/+4/type 3/+2/-3/-7/-1/-5
Ears: -2/+3/-1

Overall: normal/short/+0
Front: down/left 2/type 1/normal
Site/Back: cropped/type 2
Haircolor/Extras: type 6/off/-

neck length: +4
neck thickness: -2


Registered User
Joel Gerezgiher (Eintracht Frankfurt)

Skin: 5/+4/+7/-1/-6/+7
Eyes: +0/+4/+7/1/+4/type 5/type 3/-1/-1/+0/+3/+4/-3/-7/+2/+1
Eyebrows: type 2/type 4/+0/+0/+2/black/-2/+6/+0/+0/+2
Nose: type 1/-5/-2/-2/+3/-5/type 3
Mouth: type 4/type 2/+1/-4/+3/+3/+2
Beard: off
Jaw: type 2/+2/type 3/+1/-1/-1/+1/-6
Ears: +0/+1/+3

Overall: afro/very short
Front: down/-/type 1/wide
Site/Back: cropped/type 3
Haircolor/Extras: type 4/off/-

neck length: +1
neck thickness: +0


Registered User
Julian Maurice Derstroff (Mainz 05)

Skin: 1/+3/+2/+0/+0/+0
Eyes: +6/+2/+7/1/-1/type 2/type 3/+3/+4/+0/-7/-7/-4/-2/-2/+3
Eyebrows: type 1/type 4/+1/+1/+3/black/-1/+5/-5/+0/+0
Nose: type 5/-3/-4/+1/+3/+4/type 1
Mouth: type 2/type 3/-2/-2/+6/+2/+2
Beard: type 4/black/+0
Jaw: type 2/+6/type 3/-1/-6/-7/+3/+0
Ears: +5/+7/+3

Overall: normal/short/+2
Front: up/-/type 1/normal
Site/Back: cropped/type 1
Haircolor/Extras: type 6/off/-

neck length: +6
neck thickness: -1


Registered User
Gianluca Curci (Mainz 05)

Skin: 1/+3/+3/+0/-6/+7
Eyes: +1/+0/+6/3/-2/type 2/type 3/+4/+4/-1/-3/-7/+1/-3/-2/+2
Eyebrows: type 6/type 4/+2/+1/+3/black/-6/+3/-4/+5/-3
Nose: type 4/-7/-4/+1/+3/+2/type 5
Mouth: type 3/type 3/-2/-3/+6/+2/+2
Beard: type 6/black/+0
Jaw: type 2/+4/type 3/+2/-2/-7/+1/-4
Ears: -1/+3/-2

Overall: normal/short/+2
Front: down/right 2/type 2/narrow
Site/Back: cropped/type 1
Haircolor/Extras: type 4/off/-

neck length: -1
neck thickness: -4


Registered User
Todor Nedelev (Mainz 05)

Skin: 1/+5/+5/+0/-7/+4
Eyes: +6/+2/+7/2/-1/type 3/type 2/+5/-1/-3/+0/-3/-2/-4/-3/+3
Eyebrows: type 1/type 4/+1/+2/+2/black/-6/-7/-2/+6/-5
Nose: type 3/-3/+2/-3/+6/-2/type 3
Mouth: type 2/type 2/-4/+2/+2/-1/+2
Beard: off
Jaw: type 1/-5/type 3/+3/-2/-7/+3/-2
Ears: -1/+2/+2

Overall: mohican/very short/+2
Front: combed back/-/type 3/narrow
Site/Back: cropped/type 1
Haircolor/Extras: type 7/off/-

neck length: +0
neck thickness: -1


Registered User
Nick Volk (SV Darmstadt)

Skin: 1/+4/+3/+1/+3/+6
Eyes: +0/+5/+7/6/-1/type 1/type 1/+0/-2/+4/-7/+0/+0/-7/+0/+6
Eyebrows: type 1/type 4/+1/+1/+3/black/-3/-7/-4/-2/-7
Nose: type 1/-1/-3/+2/+3/-3/type 2
Mouth: type 3/type 1/+2/+0/+2/+1/+0
Beard: type 12/black/+0
Jaw: type 1/+2/type 3/+2/-3/-7/+3/-2
Ears: +2/+2/+6

Overall: dry/medium/+0
Front: combed back/right 1/type 1/normal
Site/Back: cropped/type 1
Haircolor/Extras: type 6/off/-

neck length: +4
neck thickness: +2


Registered User
Ali Kazimi (SV Darmstadt)

Skin: 3/+3/+7/+0/-2/+7
Eyes: -2/+1/+7/1/+3/type 5/type 2/+2/+4/+3/-7/+1/-2/-7/-2/-1
Eyebrows: type 1/type 4/+0/+1/+3/black/-3/-5/+0/-2/-7
Nose: type 2/-7/+1/-3/-1/-6/type 1
Mouth: type 1/type 3/-2/-3/-2/+0/-2
Beard: type 6/black/+2
Jaw: type 1/-1/type 1/+1/-4/-6/+2/+0
Ears: +0/-3/+4

Overall: normal/short/+0
Front: combed back/left 1/type 1/normal
Site/Back: cropped/type 3
Haircolor/Extras: type 4/off/-

neck length: +0
neck thickness: -2


Registered User
Jan Finger (SV Darmstadt)

Skin: 1/+6/+4/+0/-7/+2
Eyes: +4/+2/+7/6/+1/type 5/type 2/+7/-1/-2/+4/+1/+0/-7/-2/+2
Eyebrows: type 1/type 1/+0/+2/+2/black/-1/+2/-5/+5/+0
Nose: type 2/-7/-2/-2/+1/-3/type 1
Mouth: type 1/type 1/-3/-3/+7/-2/+1
Beard: off
Jaw: type 1/-2/type 3/+4/-6/-7/-2/-6
Ears: -2/+0/+3

Overall: normal/short/+0
Front: combed back/left 2/type 1/normal
Site/Back: cropped/type 2
Haircolor/Extras: type 2/off/-

neck length: +1
neck thickness: -4


Registered User
Noel Wembacher (SV Darmstadt)

Skin: 1/+5/+3/+0/+0/+0
Eyes: +0/+4/+7/5/+1/type 3/type 2/-4/-1/-3/-5/+3/-5/+2/-3/-1
Eyebrows: type 5/type 6/+0/+0/+3/black/-7/+7/-3/-4/+0
Nose: type 4/+2/-3/-2/-2/-3/type 1
Mouth: type 1/type 1/-1/+7/+5/+0/-3
Beard: type 12/black/+1
Jaw: type 1/+0/type 3/+5/-2/-7/+3/+0
Ears: -3/+0/+1

Overall: dry/medium/+0
Front: combed back/left 1/type 2/normal
Site/Back: cropped/type 2
Haircolor/Extras: type 6/off/-

neck length: -3
neck thickness: -4


Registered User
Jan Kirchhoff (FC Bayern)

Skin: 1/+0/+2/-1/+6/+5
Eyes: -1/+3/+7/11/-3/type 1/type 1/+6/+0/+3/-7/-4/+4/-5/+0/+7
Eyebrows: type 1/type 4/+2/+0/+3/black/-5/-7/-6/+7/-6
Nose: type 4/+3/-1/-5/+4/-3/type 1
Mouth: type 2/type 3/+2/+2/+7/+3/-2
Beard: type 6/same as hair/+3
Jaw: type 2/+2/type 3/+1/-5/-3/-2/+2
Ears: -3/+2/-4

Overall: dry/short/+0
Front: combed back/left 1/type 1/wide
Site/Back: cropped/type 2
Haircolor/Extras: type 1/off/-

neck length: +3
neck thickness: -7


Registered User
Andrei Prepelita (Romania NT)

Skin: 1/+3/+4/+0/-3/+7
Eyes: -5/-2/+7/2/-3/type 1/type 1/+7/+5/-2/-3/-2/-2/-5/+2/-1
Eyebrows: type 1/type 4/+1/+0/+3/black/-3/+7/+3/-7/-4
Nose: type 4/+0/-1/-2/-1/+2/type 3
Mouth: type 3/type 1/-1/-1/-2/+3/-2
Beard: type 3/grey/+0
Jaw: type 1/+0/type 3/+2/-2/-7/+2/-7
Ears: -1/+0/+2

Overall: normal/short/+2
Front: up/left 2/type 3/narrow
Site/Back: reduce body
Haircolor/Extras: type 4/off/-

neck length: +0
neck thickness: -2


Registered User
Amazing face pack as usual, mate!
If it's not too much trouble, can you please resize the image preview of your builds before uploading them, mate? Cause it's always take time for me to open your thread because of the size of your image. And it's killing my internet quota:crymore:


Registered User
thanks! I´m glad you like my facebuilds. I will try to upload the pics in a smaller size from now on as I am getting the same problems :D [MENTION=231992]Knoxville91[/MENTION]
Actually I´m trying to create them at the moment :D
