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[FACES][PS4][NO REQUESTS] Pes 2016 facebuilds by kitfisto


Registered User
Connor Randall (FC Liverpool)
Skin: 1/+1/+7/+1/-3/-5
Eyes: -2/+6/+7/8/-1/type 5/type 3/+1/-2/-4/+3/+4/+4/+0/+3/+1
Eyebrows: type 1/type 6/+1/+0/+3/black/-3/+0/+2/-7/-7
Nose: type 3/+6/+0/-4/+4/-2/type 4
Mouth: type 2/type 2/-2/+6/+0/-1/+5
Beard: off
Jaw: type 4/+0/type 3/+3/-4/-7/+6/+2
Ears: -5/-1/+1

Overall: normal/short/+2
Front: down/right 1/type 3/normal
Site/Back: cropped/type 2
Haircolor/Extras: type 6/off/-

neck length: -6
neck thickness: -2


Registered User
Hi mate if it's not some problem could you please make this two players?

Sambou Yatabaré - (SV Werder Bremen new player).
Giedrius Arlauskis - (RCD Espanyol Barcelona new goalkeeper).


Registered User
Gerhard Tremmel (SV Werder Bremen)
Skin: 1/+4/+3/+0/-7/+7
Eyes: +7/+1/+7/2/+3/type 3/type 3/+0/+0/+3/-3/+0/+1/-7/+0/+2
Eyebrows: type 6/type 4/+0/+0/+1/black/+0/-7/-7/+3/-7
Nose: type 4/-1/+3/+5/-2/+4/type 5
Mouth: type 1/type 3/-1/-2/+4/+2/-2
Beard: off
Jaw: type 3/+4/type 1/+0/-5/-7/-5/-7
Ears: +4/-4/+5

Overall: normal/very short/+2
Front: down/-/type 3/wide
Site/Back: cropped/type 1
Haircolor/Extras: type 9/Hair colour (row 1 column 3 from left)/off/-

neck length: +5
neck thickness: +0


Registered User
Sambou Yatabare (SV Werder Bremen)
Skin: 6/+4/+4/+2/-3/+7
Eyes: -3/+7/+7/1/-2/type 6/type 1/+2/-1/+5/+3/+0/-2/-7/+4/+5
Eyebrows: type 6/type 1/+0/+0/+3/black/+6/+6/+5/+7/-7
Nose: type 5/-6/+5/+2/+5/-1/type 1
Mouth: type 1/type 1/+6/-5/+7/+3/+2
Beard: type 12/black/+1
Jaw: type 3/-7/type 3/+3/+5/-7/+2/-7
Ears: -1/+0/+1

Overall: dry/medium/+6
Front: combed back/-/type 1/wide
Site/Back: cropped/type 3
Haircolor/Extras: type 4/off/-

neck length: +0
neck thickness: -3


Registered User
Awesome work mate now i wait Arlauskis :)

And could you also please try make Bruno Henrique he is VfL Wolfsburg player.


Registered User
Bruno Henrique (VfL Wolfsburg)
Skin: 5/+4/+5/+0/-3/+7
Eyes: -4/+6/+7/1/-2/type 5/type 1/+0/+2/-7/+2/+0/-7/-4/+5/+4
Eyebrows: type 1/type 2/+0/+1/+3/black/-2/-6/+7/+1/-7
Nose: type 5/-2/+2/+0/+0/-7/type 1
Mouth: type 4/type 2/+4/-7/+7/+7/+7
Beard: type 3/black/+0
Jaw: type 4/-3/type 3/+2/+1/-2/+0/-2
Ears: -1/+0/-7

Overall: normal/short/+4
Front: up/off/type 1/normal
Site/Back: cropped/type 3
Haircolor/Extras: type 4/off/-

neck length: +4
neck thickness: -4


Registered User
Kevin Stewart (FC Liverpool)
Skin: 4/+5/+5/+0/-7/+7
Eyes: -2/-2/+7/1/+2/type 3/type 1/+0/-5/+1/+7/+0/-3/+3/-5/-7
Eyebrows: type 1/type 2/+0/+0/+3/black/-4/-4/-7/-3/-7
Nose: type 2/+1/+2/-3/+5/-2/type 3
Mouth: type 3/type 2/-3/+7/+0/-3/+1
Beard: type 6/black/+1
Jaw: type 4/-6/type 3/+5/-7/-7/+3/-1
Ears: -1/+2/+5

Overall: normal/short/+5
Front: up/off/type 1/narrow
Site/Back: cropped/type 1
Haircolor/Extras: type 4/off/-

neck length: -1
neck thickness: -1


Registered User
Danny Ward (FC Liverpool)
Skin: 1/+2/+5/+0/-7/+6
Eyes: +4/-2/+7/1/+0/type 2/type 3/+1/-1/+3/-3/+2/-4/-2/-5/-2
Eyebrows: type 1/type 1/+0/+0/+3/black/-3/+7/-5/+0/+2
Nose: type 1/-3/-5/-1/+2/-2/type 1
Mouth: type 2/type 1/+2/-2/+4/+0/+3
Beard: off
Jaw: type 1/-6/type 3/+4/-7/-7/+1/-7
Ears: -1/-1/+2

Overall: normal/short/+2
Front: down/left 2/type 1/normal
Site/Back: reduce body
Haircolor/Extras: type 6/off/-

neck length: +0
neck thickness: +2


Registered User
Tiago Ilori (FC Liverpool)
Skin: 2/+6/+7/+0/+0/+7
Eyes: -7/+7/+7/3/+2/type 4/type 2/+2/-3/+2/+4/-3/-2/-4/-2/-2
Eyebrows: type 1/type 4/+1/+1/+3/black/-6/+7/-4/+7/-7
Nose: type 4/+1/+5/-5/+3/-7/type 3
Mouth: type 2/type 3/-6/+5/+7/+2/+1
Beard: type 6/black/+0
Jaw: type 4/+2/type 3/+4/-3/+1/+1/-6
Ears: +0/+5/+1

Overall: normal/short/+4
Front: combed back/centre/type 1/normal
Site/Back: cropped/type 2
Haircolor/Extras: type 4/off/-

neck length: +0
neck thickness: -4


Registered User
I will make Arlauskis later as an exception but normally I don´t take requests as the thread title says. [MENTION=232224]holyfsm42[/MENTION]
I would like to add pictures but my camera is not working at the moment :(
I will add pictures when it´s possible again. But you can be sure that the facebuild quality is just as good as my other facebuilds where I added pictures .


Registered User
I will make Arlauskis later as an exception but normally I don´t take requests as the thread title says. [MENTION=232224]holyfsm42[/MENTION]
I would like to add pictures but my camera is not working at the moment :(
I will add pictures when it´s possible again. But you can be sure that the facebuild quality is just as good as my other facebuilds where I added pictures .

Ok mate :)


Registered User
I will make Arlauskis later as an exception but normally I don´t take requests as the thread title says. [MENTION=232224]holyfsm42[/MENTION]
I would like to add pictures but my camera is not working at the moment :(
I will add pictures when it´s possible again. But you can be sure that the facebuild quality is just as good as my other facebuilds where I added pictures .

You can look for a program that screenshots.


Registered User
Giedrius Arlauskis (Espanyol Barcelona)
Skin: 1/+2/+5/+0/-7/+7
Eyes: +2/+3/+7/11/+1/type 3/type 3/+3/-3/+5/-7/+2/-3/+1/-2/+1
Eyebrows: type 5/type 1/+0/+0/+2/same as hair/-3/+1/-7/+3/-3
Nose: type 2/-1/+1/-2/+3/-6/type 5
Mouth: type 1/type 3/-1/+5/+5/+2/-2
Beard: type 6/same as hair/+2
Jaw: type 3/+0/type 3/+6/-1/-7/+1/+3
Ears: -1/+2/+4

Overall: normal/medium/+1
Front: down/right 2/type 1/normal
Site/Back: reduce body
Haircolor/Extras: type 2/off/-

neck length: +7
neck thickness: +3


Registered User
Alex Iwobi (FC Arsenal)
Skin: 5/+4/+7/+3/-7/+4
Eyes: -6/-1/+5/1/-1/type 5/type 1/-4/-3/+3/+7/-4/-7/-4/+6/+3
Eyebrows: type 1/type 6/+1/+0/+3/black/-4/-3/+2/+1/-4
Nose: type 6/-7/-2/-2/-1/-7/type 1
Mouth: type 3/type 2/+7/-7/+2/+7/+4
Beard: type 3/black/+0
Jaw: type 2/+0/type 3/-3/+3/-4/+1/-7
Ears: -1/-1/+2

Overall: afro/short/-
Front: combed back/-/type 1/narrow
Site/Back: cropped/type 6
Haircolor/Extras: type 4/off/-

neck length: +0
neck thickness: -3


Registered User
Matt Macey (FC Arsenal)
Skin: 1/+4/+2/+0/-4/+7
Eyes: -2/+2/+7/5/-2/type 3/type 1/+4/+0/+6/+4/-3/-3/-2/+3/+1
Eyebrows: type 1/type 6/+0/+2/+3/black/-7/+6/-3/-3/-7
Nose: type 2/-4/+2/+2/-3/-2/type 1
Mouth: type 3/type 1/-2/-2/+7/+2/+4
Beard: type 3/same as hair/+1
Jaw: type 4/-7/type 3/+2/-5/-4/+1/-2
Ears: -2/+4/-4

Overall: normal/short/+0
Front: combed back/right 2/type 3/narrow
Site/Back: reduce body
Haircolor/Extras: type 7/off/-

neck length: +5
neck thickness: -2
