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[FANTASY TEAMS] Taking requests


Registered User
base: Blue sky/white details
Base: Yellow/blak details
Your election

logo: Joma



sorry my english




Registered User
Sorry people for not doing anything as of late. I have been VERY busy on the few weeks leading up towards christmas. Bare with me please. I will try and get them done AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


Registered User
Hello can you please make kits that are black,dark blue, and light blue with a lightning bolt in the middle like this,

with the white and black nike logo like this,

No logo please.
I would really appreciate it.:):):)


Registered User
hey again i see you have been doing some great work. I have a request for my friends ML team.

The emblem will be the same as A.C Milan's just change everything that is red into a green.

ac milan emblem:

this is the green he wants

for the home kit he wants the chelsea home kit template except change everything that is blue to green (like the one in the german kit above)

chelsea home kit:

for the away kit again use chelseas away kit template and just change everything that is blue to the same green as the link

chelsea away kit:

for the goalkeeper kit do any design you see fit as long as the colour is orange and it you have the sponsor

for the sponsor use the nintendo logo and make it white for all three kits
nintendo logo:

thanks again friend


Registered User
Hey guys,

Is it possible someone could make this logo for me, Its the same Except "New York" is changed to "York City" , its for my custom ML team called york city Red bulls :D

Thanks !


Registered User
Hello good sir....can you make a fantasy transparent puma kit (one white and the other white) with no emblem. Could you also put the ferrari sponsor on it. Thank you much


Registered User
can you make 4 shirts for me?

1. nike shirt whit white AON logo
2. nike shirt whit black AON logo
3. nike shirt whit Redbull logo (1 black and 1 white nike logo)

i'll hope you understand


Registered User
Wiener Athletiksport club

His work is very good.
Could you please make these emblems?
Thank you.

Team: Wiener AC or WAC
Country: Austria
Era: 1931



Registered User
Hi, i've just joined so i apologise if seem pushy or ain't gotta clue. Wondering if you can make me some fantasy kits for pes2012, based on pes utd and we utd. For pes utd, would like the boddingtons(beer) logo complete with barrel in the centre, with adidas and nike shirt sponsers(clear png's no background). and for we utd, would like guinness logo with harp in the centre, same shirt sponsers. also can you place the appropiate badges within the png's. please take your time as in no rush, thank you very much. sorry just a little extra, would it be possible to do guinness logo in 3 colours white, black and red. cheers


Registered User
Still waiting for someone to do me some fantasy kits with boddingtons on the shirts, plain png's but either adidas, nike or puma shirt makes. for pic, thanx


Registered User
Please can somebody do me kits for pes utd and we utd with either adidas or nike as shirt makes. Want the boddingtons logo (, plain pngs. thank you.
