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For those who have played the Online Beta demo...


Registered User
button lag is due to the demo version and is not present in the final build online plays fine no lag but then again big test will be friday


Registered User
Yh, ive played a few people with red connections and the match has been fine. Only twice out of 35 matches has the button delay been bad. Im absolutely hooked on this bad boy. Every match is seemlessly lag free.


Registered User
Yh, ive played a few people with red connections and the match has been fine. Only twice out of 35 matches has the button delay been bad. Im absolutely hooked on this bad boy. Every match is seemlessly lag free.

i've been testing the demo.... and i agree, id say maybe 1 in 15 games results in button lag... the 1 and only time it affected me was when someone with a red connection was hosting...

id say "from the demo" that its a good chance that finally the servers are up to scratch.. i have noticed at the start of the match.. some very slight lag... but once you kick the ball it sorts out quickly.. against people with amber to red connections..

against anyone with a green connection is just like playing offline

i hope this info helps
