No its not fair mate, but from reading mag's posts, he seemed to have only copied the face files. Dont get me wrong I understand alot of work and time go into creating faces, but thats only a small portion of a OF. The rest of the editing e.g ,kits,badges,names,stats,teams and gameplay still requires alot of work and time, and as far as I'm aware he still done that all himself and that should be taken into account. Plus didnt he ask you if he could help you guys out once?
Now if he simply used the whole lot of your OF and passed it off as his own, I cant defend that because its out of order. I just dont like seeing all this inner warring going on between you guys, because as I said, it comes done to all of us wanting the best game which should be more important than ''who has the best patch''. Thats why i think its ideal for everyone to chip in,pass on their ideas of what they got and just put together one patch especially if one maker hasnt got the time to update like Chimps and Gimps, which ends up being a shame and a waste of good ideas because now nobody else can use the gameplay format he implemented.
Have you tried pm'ing Elvin to talk this through and ask him what exactly he has taken and why he didnt bother crediting you?
You are way off the mark! the faces take ages and theres no file anywhere on the net with that many faces that I spent ages making, the file is glens original base again stolen, with all glens kits, data, & so & so on, so basically where you said, "Now if he simply used the whole lot of your OF and passed it off as his own, I cant defend that because its out of order", Your right, he said when the file came out he had given up on making OF, because ours had come out and he started directing users from his thread to start using it as it was better, then he approached the thread himself asking did we need any help with the file, I stepped in right away and declined, as i knew his dodgy background from when he previously tried to rip of Glens file, so I think he decided he would just rip the file off anyways, the reason he updated it was because he new how good it was and he could pass it off with the latest 1.07 DLC there were a few errors that glen has been fixing before passing it back to me to re- release as a propper file, I originally only put it out there for users to try out and test, to see the response and explain we were still in the process of finishing it propper, (SILLY MISTAKE) as this meant elvin99 would beat us to re-releasing our file, so instead of wating for the real producers of the file and being patient he rushed it out before us with the latest DLC and claimed it was his new file, I put at the bottom of my first post in the JPR_VS_GTM thread a foot note in red warning option file theives to not redistribute the file, this has been there since I first put the lets call it the BETA version out there, and that has really angered me most cos its been ignored & disrepected, Anyone calling for multi editng and mix & max files thats because you want the best of everything, but to just go around witout asking permission is theft, and you need to be doing the work yourself, I dont even think he would have done anything, he ripped off chimps file cos the game play was better, & now ours, who's next? Its time to respect people who do the work propper, & not the ones who rob! or basically we will all f*ck off and the editing scene will become sh!t, I removed my face thread cos people started pretending they made them too, it seems some losers are just here to build up some fan club,
Oh im not 100% but he could already have several accounts the user going by the name venomio91 represents his style, passing faces off as their own???