Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884
Hello all, im back!!!
Time for all the B£ll£nds to shut up & stop moaning, & all impatient users to give it a rest, I have not received the file from Glen yet so until i do I cant start the finishing touches, Im going to be fixing the NPower stats & re-doing all the faces starting with the EPL first, then moving on in the future updates, to let you all know where im at when i get the file & install it? I rekon 3-4 days, or next weekend if im slow....
just making sure you know before you all start asking, moaning, or being greatful
Regards MM
another week = epic epic fail
another week = epic epic fail
another week = epic epic fail
Hey Dj tosser, why dont you go & make your own file you whining little chav!
I remember you from when I originally made my Option Files, before teaming up with Glen, You used to be a little bitch then.... its a shame we do this for the real fans, cos if it was down to me, Id have IP's checked, and you wouldnt get the steam from my $hit,
Dick head....
It won't.
Hence the title PS3/UK
Hey Dj tosser, why dont you go & make your own file you whining little chav!
I remember you from when I originally made my Option Files, before teaming up with Glen, You used to be a little bitch then.... its a shame we do this for the real fans, cos if it was down to me, Id have IP's checked, and you wouldnt get the steam from my $hit,
Dick head....
ye you did crap files then aswell, you also promised them weeks before actually releasing them, nothings changed eh, learn, listen and shut ya mouth till ya finished!
ye you did crap files then aswell, you also promised them weeks before actually releasing them, nothings changed eh, learn, listen and shut ya mouth till ya finished!
Do you enjoy being such an idiot? You come on here trying to be a little shit stirer. You have no appreciaction for the guys who actually do the work on the OF. Why don't you go and make an OF with all of the files that this one contains and see how long it takes you to make it. :realmad: :realmad:
ye you did crap files then aswell, you also promised them weeks before actually releasing them, nothings changed eh, learn, listen and shut ya mouth till ya finished!
hmmm are you sure? the comments ive noted around this seem to relate to game location rather than machine location ie the option file works for UK game BLES-01021 (which is what i have). The game itself is compatible with my US machine, wondering if the patch will too...sorry I know youve already answered this once but if you or anyone else can reconfirm i'd appreciate it, cheers
file is for 01020