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G.T.M Pro World pes 2011 OF (PS3/UK)

Pompey Fan

Registered User
I've only spoke to him then because he's doing my head in posting rubbish in this thread.
What's with all the hate and sarcasm towards Glen and MM? Stupid little boy, i thought i was as bad...Jesus

I'm not going to reply to him anymore, i'll just report what needs reporting. :)


Registered User
Hes just an absolute nob, really don't know why moderator don't just ban him!
Intact card this complete tool please!!


Registered User
If only there was a way of stopping him from downloading the option file, should go only to those who appreciate weeks of hard work.

glen the magpie

Registered User
ignore the what it says on the first page, ive completely udated that list and will post up the new details in a sec. this is a FULL FILE not a base. the file will be up id say in the next 30 mins give or take depending on how long it takes to upload. just putting the stadiums i just did onto my mem stick its taking ages. be warned guys thers alot of files!


Registered User
ive spooged!

Its not until you get this quality of file you realize how f*cking lazy Konami are and they release half finished games. OK - they dont have the licenses but they could at least give players the proper boots, stats and teams the correct stadiums.

Thanks to GTM our game will look like (but luckily not play like) Fifa.
As much as I hate FIFA at least it looks finished upon release.

Thanks GTM!!


Registered User
Thankyou GTM and MM for all your hard work!
Now go and enjoy actually playing the game for a change this evening like all of us will!!

Many many thanks


Registered User
Oh My The Anticipation Of This Option File Is Awsomeness Itself..
Cannot Wait..

May We Have A Media Fire Link Also.. Thanks

Glen & Mighty Mag


Registered User
Is it just a case of downloading and putting onto USB then onto ps3 individually? No unzipping or whatever? If un zipping need exactly how do I do it all?

glen the magpie

Registered User
uploading now :)

Is it just a case of downloading and putting onto USB then onto ps3 individually? No unzipping or whatever? If un zipping need exactly how do I do it all?

youll need to unzip first put the ps3 folder on your stick then copy each file individually. therell be one link for now cos i wanna jump in the bath when i get out ill upload to other servers and update the first post gonna get this moved to the "COMPLETED" section aswell :)

Pompey Fan

Registered User
Wicked, thanks man.
Can't download it: The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.

Maybe you can go on after the bath? Or just send me a pm then? it's just something i need to talk about.

Pompey Fan

Registered User
It's released now, but something wrong as it says The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.
