Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884
honestly what is your game difficuilty your playing on for the master leauge and can you change it?
Its just not realistic when one AI controlled player just runs past your defence and pushes your defenders to the ground and scores.
ps2 top player seems quite hard. you seem to concede late in the game and its much harder to defend.
Atm i playing with Top Player and im crying every time =<. The Teamvision makes top player much much harder than it was on pes6, tho i think they have made AI too good considering starting the ML. Its just not realistic when one AI controlled player just runs past your defence and pushes your defenders to the ground and scores.
honestly what is your game difficuilty your playing on for the master leauge and can you change it?
ps2 top player seems quite hard. you seem to concede late in the game and its much harder to defend.
I played on Top Player with the ML original players and I struggled.
Got to the negotiations and only managed to get like 2 half decent players, which didn't really benefit me at all because the rest of the ML players are god awful and will let you down even if you have 1 or 2 decent players.
I decided to re-start the Master League, still on Top Player, with a non-big team (I chose Rangers) with the match mode players, and I'm doing greatNow that I have a solid decent squad who can defend and get goals.
top player and its far to easy im goin up a level at the end of the season im sick of winnin 7-0.