tell me, how do you know for sure?
The reactions on this forum are hilarious, I feel like digging up all the posts of those who were saying 360 wasnt a major deal when fifa had it, now pes might get it, people are going nutz, classic shit.
What i want to know is, how they went from 8 directional movement on a 50% build to 360 movement a few months before game release.
Ermm hold on a min, can someone explain this please
1) The neoseeker article with information on that exclusive playtest was on july 2nd right?
It says pes has 360 movement right?
Then how come douggie's playtest article on 15th July say the game is 8 directions?
2) The neoseeker article says
"Due to the game incorporating 360 degree control the analog stick will be the only option of player movement. The new advanced on-the-fly tactics system will now be done on the d-pad. One of the biggest changes to the game ever."
But the sliders are done in the menu not in game, that what i thought i saw in the pes behind the scenes video.
LOL you really must want this game to FAIl...
As far as sources go: I will tell you once the news is out who I heard it from ( a VERY reliable source who doesnt deal with rumours )
I know that you are not stupid but you sure act like you are. The 50% build was built to show off the SLIDERS and the GRAPHICS....not the gameplay, or the animations, or goalkeepers or w.e. just SLIDERS and GRAPHICS....
like I said in one of my earlier posts: I advise you to not look at the JULY 2nd LIST .... because I dont know if its in or not, all those features.
What I can tell you is that a reliable source ( who is under NDA ) has informed that 360 is in.
He was right about many things about PES2009 last year and I trust he will be with this.
Also ( from the reliable source and others ) I have been informed that this game was a plan since PES2008 came out. This is the game that KONAMI have always hinted at being the "ONE"...the next gen game.
Obviously they cant come out and say this because than it would seem like they were putting out shit games ( PES2008 and PES2009, not so much the latter ) while they working on another.
Certain ASPECTS of PES2010 ( i.e. 360 movement ) have been tested rigorously to make sure it is ready. This is not a ONE YEAR thing...they have been testing it for a while.
One more thing....the news that will come out ( like i said before ), the most SHOCKING news to most will be that its 360 movement but you will be surprised by how much of our USER CONTENT ( that we have been asking from KONAMI ) has been implemented in the game.
Expect the news tomorrow....
P.S. please dont come out cursing at me like you are known to do. I dont have time for stupid shit if you dont want to discuss it nicely.