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Help me understand the OF proces and targets


Registered User
Hi there, I have been trying to take the plunge and start using option files to get the game to look as it should :)

There are a couple of things I don't understand and would be awesome if Paul or others could provide an answer, since you most certainly will know :D

I have seen for example the OFs of Pes Universe to give an example, where they came out with the Classic Teams one, and the Bundesliga one, and state that you have to choose one or the other... and that's where my confusion started. So here are my assumptions/questions, I'd appreciate an answer to:

The game has several leagues:
- Some of them match real world leagues (for teams) or organizations/regions (for national teams). These would be the 2 english leagues, the 2 french leagues, the 2 italian leagues, the dutch league, the 2 spanish leagues, the portuguese league, the brazilian, argentinian and chilean leagues, the AFC championship league, and then the europe, africa, north & central america, south america and asia-oceania leagues.
- Others are not a real league/region per se, but do include other real teams. These would be the other european teams and the other latin american teams.
- One is real players of the pas, with incorrect names, the "classic teams"
- Then there are 3 completely fake leagues with fake teams. The PEU league, the PLA league and the PAS League.
Is all this right so far?

Ok, so. Is what can be edited only existing players changing names, appearance, stats, etc? Meaning, if I wanted to change I don't know, Neuer to look and have the stats/characteristics of Messi, can you do that?

I would imagine you can pretty much create a player from scratch (replacing an existing "slot" of course), goven the existance of the classic teams OF)

I read that "you can import any team into any league".

If that's the case, in the example above, I don't know where the two OFs get written, but why couldn't we for example have the classics on say the PEU league, and the Bundesliga into the PLA league instead of having to choose one or the other?

What determines what league a team gets sent to and what team it overwrites? Is it embedded in the bin file?

What does the live update/whatever konami does mess up for us regarding option files?

What exactly do the two checkboxes that come up during the import process do, and why would we want to check them or uncheck them?

If I download a kit from ine of the major sites, and I want to use it. Is it as "easy" as just going to whatever team I feel like and changing it's kit to use the downloaded one? Which teams do you guys usually use custom kits for? Can it also be used for myclub?

Thanks for the answers to help us better understand what we're doing!


Ok I will answer what I can....

You can import a team over any unlicensed or fake team. If you wanted to do what you mentioned in regards to the Bundesliga & the Classic teams it is possible to choose which team you overwrite (the first checkbox). The problems comes in that you can't choose which player is overwritten. So say the player I used for Ribery of Bayern was the same player that was used to make Best in the classic Man Utd then whichever team you imported 2nd the player from the team you imported 1st would be removed.

You can edit any player including the real/licensed ones.

By default a team will replace the team it was created on, but as mentioned earlier by ticking the 1st checkbox you can choose the team to replace.

It defaults the squads so any teams that were created need to be re-imported after the update.

I think I have covered the 1st one enough :) The 2nd checkbox regards the players. If it is unticked then you just import team name, kits, manager, stadium, emblem, etc. If you tick it then it also updates the players. So for say the Premier League you can leave it unticked, but for the Bundesliga you need to tick it.

Pretty much you just import the image in edit mode then apply it where you want it. They work in myclub/online but only you see it. Your opponent will see whatever kit they have for that team.


Registered User
Ok I will answer what I can....

You can import a team over any unlicensed or fake team. If you wanted to do what you mentioned in regards to the Bundesliga & the Classic teams it is possible to choose which team you overwrite (the first checkbox). The problems comes in that you can't choose which player is overwritten. So say the player I used for Ribery of Bayern was the same player that was used to make Best in the classic Man Utd then whichever team you imported 2nd the player from the team you imported 1st would be removed.

You can edit any player including the real/licensed ones.

By default a team will replace the team it was created on, but as mentioned earlier by ticking the 1st checkbox you can choose the team to replace.

It defaults the squads so any teams that were created need to be re-imported after the update.

I think I have covered the 1st one enough :) The 2nd checkbox regards the players. If it is unticked then you just import team name, kits, manager, stadium, emblem, etc. If you tick it then it also updates the players. So for say the Premier League you can leave it unticked, but for the Bundesliga you need to tick it.

Pretty much you just import the image in edit mode then apply it where you want it. They work in myclub/online but only you see it. Your opponent will see whatever kit they have for that team.

Thanks, really helpful!

One last part I don't understand after your explanation...

You say "if I used the same player". Does that mean that no matter what team you pick as a target tomoverwrite, ultimately the players (ID or something) is still embedded in the bin file and that's why this happens? In other words, is the source material (and ultimately destination if you don't touch anything) determined by the bin and that un turn depends on the source of that bin (i.e. What team you exported to get it in the first place?).
And if so, wouldn't this be caused simply because you used the same exported league files to create both OF, and you could get around it by say exporting PEU league for one and PAS leafue for the other?

Or am I still not understanding something about the player conflicts you mentioned? :huh:


Thanks, really helpful!

One last part I don't understand after your explanation...

You say "if I used the same player". Does that mean that no matter what team you pick as a target tomoverwrite, ultimately the players (ID or something) is still embedded in the bin file and that's why this happens? In other words, is the source material (and ultimately destination if you don't touch anything) determined by the bin and that un turn depends on the source of that bin (i.e. What team you exported to get it in the first place?).
And if so, wouldn't this be caused simply because you used the same exported league files to create both OF, and you could get around it by say exporting PEU league for one and PAS leafue for the other?

Or am I still not understanding something about the player conflicts you mentioned? :huh:

Yeah that's basically it mate the Player ID is written into the bin file. It was different on PS3 as you could also choose the players to overwrite if there was a conflict but they haven't added that to PS4.

The issue is caused because the same leagues were used, this was done on purpose as they are mean't to be stand alone files with more updates coming to each one.


Registered User
Yeah that's basically it mate the Player ID is written into the bin file. It was different on PS3 as you could also choose the players to overwrite if there was a conflict but they haven't added that to PS4.

The issue is caused because the same leagues were used, this was done on purpose as they are mean't to be stand alone files with more updates coming to each one.

Hey thanks again for your reply. So I think I understand now.. you export a league/teams and you modify those files/bins (I assume the . In has all the info like what file is a kit, what file is a stadium, etc.). Then when you import it goes back/overwrites whatever it was exported from, right?

The only thing left I don't understand is why did you do it this way? Without deleting/overwriting "real" stuff/teams, if the game already has THREE *fake* leagues, why didn't you just use one of those for the bundesliga, another for the classics teams, and the last one for whatever else you will release next..? Isn't it better to have these great additions than the 3 fake leagues? And only when you release more than 3 items have to choose?


The only thing left I don't understand is why did you do it this way? Without deleting/overwriting "real" stuff/teams, if the game already has THREE *fake* leagues, why didn't you just use one of those for the bundesliga, another for the classics teams, and the last one for whatever else you will release next..? Isn't it better to have these great additions than the 3 fake leagues? And only when you release more than 3 items have to choose?

We did use a fake league for the Bundesliga, the PEU League which is the fake European League. The PLA League which is the fake American League will be used for the Liga MX & the PAS League which is the fake Asian League will be used for most likely the J-League.

The Classic teams are mean't as a standalone OF, there are more coming that will replace other teams. I'm not really working on the classic OF, but I think the plan is to replace every team with classic versions ;)


Registered User
Hi Paul. Building on the questions asked. I do realised one thing.

When I apply say the Bundesliga/legend OF, some team in "other European teams" from another OF would have half the players left. And I realised there are players taken from everywhere else to make up the number. E.g. Wes brown would appears in the Rostov from erzo OF after I apply the pesuniverse legends OF.

Any idea about this? Thanks
