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help with x group 1.3


Registered User
hi folks

i downloaded this patch for the xbox from a torrent site, the pacth consists of 10 different files 0_sound parts 1,2,3 gp13 normal parts1,2,3 language rar normal completo rar, pes4 video parts 1,2. my prob is there is no faq or readme file with the rars and im stuck on how to patch the game. it says best way is to use flashfxp which ive tried but all sound rars when opened are the same and when i try to ftp them across it asks if i want to overwrite the one ive just done. the same with the other rars in the archive.can anybody give me some help or point me to the url of a good faq please.

cheers sibbyho


Born to be a Dancer
Try writing in proper english next time.

All you have to do is extract the 0_text and 0_sound from inside the .rar.


Registered User
All you have to do is concentrate on the 0_sound and 0_text for now.

Just open the 0_sound and extract the file inside to a dir of your choice,what this does is it takes files from part 2&3 and makes 1 big file.

Just repeat the same process for the 0_text file.


Registered User
sibbyho said:
hi folks

i downloaded this patch for the xbox from a torrent site, the pacth consists of 10 different files 0_sound parts 1,2,3 gp13 normal parts1,2,3 language rar normal completo rar, pes4 video parts 1,2. my prob is there is no faq or readme file with the rars and im stuck on how to patch the game. it says best way is to use flashfxp which ive tried but all sound rars when opened are the same and when i try to ftp them across it asks if i want to overwrite the one ive just done. the same with the other rars in the archive.can anybody give me some help or point me to the url of a good faq please.

cheers sibbyho

You have to unrar all the files which is easy to do because they come in "3 packs", that means you can´t unpack the sound.rar with one part missing.

About ftping the patch to the xbox you have to install the game on the HDD and then ftp the files on to the folder where PES4 is installed, overwriting every single file.

I hope this helps... :cool:


You can read a guide to using WinRAR over here

If there is a .nfo file, try opening it with Wordpad to read any info that the makers may have put in it.


Registered User
Zygalski said:
You can read a guide to using WinRAR over here

If there is a .nfo file, try opening it with Wordpad to read any info that the makers may have put in it.

i´m not tryin´to be picky but i prefer DAMN NFO Viewer.
