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hey i got we9 in jap


Registered User
sorry der feIIows twas my IittIe brother.hes quiet teh ignorant chapp.i do endoubiousIy apoIogize u fukin nerdy bastards.hey zygaIski get a reaI job u fukin Iazy shite.iI pay ya 2 suck me cock at Ieast u mite hav ur dignity?if it aint fuI of cum.


Registered User
and pieabc123 u beter be a bitch cuz dats one fukin nerdy name.u pak of fuks..tanx 4 taking de time 2 read my posts cheers chaps im off for a cup of tea and a rich tea biky.ta-ta


Registered User
paraic64 said:
and pieabc123 u beter be a bitch cuz dats one fukin nerdy name.u pak of fuks..tanx 4 taking de time 2 read my posts cheers chaps im off for a cup of tea and a rich tea biky.ta-ta
oh, forgot ur name is REALLY good, paraic64, dont mess wit this kid, he gotta be sikcase wit a name like that...
