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How 2 play good with slow teams?


Registered User

My problem is that i cant play good with slow teams like Roma,inter,chelsea,liverpool, etc. I have played against many players online network, they use for example chelsea very good. I can only play with Barcelona and Man utd, can some one tell me how 2 play with other teams and how they press so good and shoot like a horse? How can you press hard?


Registered User
learn with spain with conditon normal
alonso/senna xavi fabergas inestia all short speed accuracy is very high also team work is amazing quick 1-2 passes then try another team


Registered User

My problem is that i cant play good with slow teams like Roma,inter,chelsea,liverpool, etc. I have played against many players online network, they use for example chelsea very good. I can only play with Barcelona and Man utd, can some one tell me how 2 play with other teams and how they press so good and shoot like a horse? How can you press hard?

if you can only play with barcelona or man u, you cant play at all because even a 4 year old can play with those teams, and if you cant play with inter chelsea and liverpool ffs you really suck!, when you mentioned slow teams i thought you meant small teams. what you should do is go and practice a lot, and find a medium team that suit your style. my teams are tottenham west ham nigeria i play well with them


Registered User

My problem is that i cant play good with slow teams like Roma,inter,chelsea,liverpool, etc. I have played against many players online network, they use for example chelsea very good. I can only play with Barcelona and Man utd, can some one tell me how 2 play with other teams and how they press so good and shoot like a horse? How can you press hard?

The teams you mentioned should be good enough but in not it comes down to formation. I use Villa and Wigan sometimes and you need a defensive formation and a big guy up front to stand a chance


Registered User
if you can only play with barcelona or man u, you cant play at all because even a 4 year old can play with those teams, and if you cant play with inter chelsea and liverpool ffs you really suck!, when you mentioned slow teams i thought you meant small teams. what you should do is go and practice a lot, and find a medium team that suit your style. my teams are tottenham west ham nigeria i play well with them

plz b nice bro


Registered User
Well just keep passing it around until the ball get near the goal and have long range shot or still pass it arond until you are even more closer and shoot.

I use Chelsea a lot


Registered User
if you think chelsea liverpool inter nd roma are hard to play with then u must be shit lol try playin with the master league default team on top player if u can master that then u can master any team


Registered User

My problem is that i cant play good with slow teams like Roma,inter,chelsea,liverpool, etc. I have played against many players online network, they use for example chelsea very good. I can only play with Barcelona and Man utd, can some one tell me how 2 play with other teams and how they press so good and shoot like a horse? How can you press hard?

1st off, practice with the worst teams (always top player), it'll make you much better and then you'll obviously be much better with the better teams. Master league on the hardest settings is a good way to do that, or even just do a league with one of the relegation battlers or even midtable teams.

2nd thing is the formation, try using 5 in midfield and getting used to keeping possession. Having 5 in the middle makes pace less important. Of course you don't want to isolate your striker so make sure your formation is tweaked accordingly.
