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How do you do the simple flick up of the ball?


Registered User
I created Bayer Leverkusen.

I base copied Chicharito over from Mexico.

I was in practice mode 11 v 1 and just testing out Bayer and I noticed sometimes when I was running with Chicha (moving left to right on the screen) I could do a flick up randomly.

Like this, holding left stick right to run at goal, then move right stick right and click both down.

The thing is I could not do it with any consistency. So I am not sure I am inputting the correct command.

What I am looking to do is be running and then scoop the ball up to elevate it, lift it over a slide tackle or even just elevate it as I run through or around defenders.

I see that it can be done and there is an animation, I just could not do it to any degree where I felt like I could pull it off in a real match. Say I ran to the right and did that input over and over, I would trigger it maybe 2-3 times while inputting it 10-12 times.

I tried to google it but found nothing that talked about it.


Registered User
I have them set off.

My guess is that it's not really a trick assigned in the game and what is happening is as I run the ball is either on my foot or ahead of my player, when it is the exact correct distance ahead the game thinks I am in a trap the ball flick up situation so it fires off the animation even though I am moving,

But when the ball is on my players foot the game does not understand what I want to do since there is no direct flick up command in the game.

I looked through the command list and saw nothing that said lift ball or flick up as something you could do on the move.

But there is an animation for it and it looks really cool.

Just had a thought, not in front of the game but I will try it tonight.

Maybe I need to click RS in and hold it and then once the player puts himself into the flick up "zone" he will flick it up.

So instead of trying to time it I can just click in and wait. I shall test it later.
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Registered User
Click down the right stick and just dribble (dont sprint) and he'll start juggling with it. I do it with my keeper when time wasting.

If you've got plenty of space with a striker, hold it for 2 juggles then shoot - you normally get a decent volley


Registered User
Click down the right stick and just dribble (dont sprint) and he'll start juggling with it. I do it with my keeper when time wasting.

If you've got plenty of space with a striker, hold it for 2 juggles then shoot - you normally get a decent volley

Thanks! I was onto it at the end of my posting here in this thread.

This is indeed the answer. Like most things in this years game, things are simpler than I am making them out to be.

Was taking free kicks in practice last night and trying to get all intricate with my swerve and power from about 22m out.

Then I realized all I needed to do was aim it into a corner and power it up just past halfway.

I didn't make every FK but my strike rate increased just going more simple/basic
