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How Long to Develop Legend?


Registered User
Hello people!

Just bought pes 2009 and currently i am loving the Become a Legend mode.

A quick question though, my player is right now 17, on the bench of valencia and frankly, quite terrible.

I know's he's only 17, so i'm playing him every match and skipping none.

Still, his training improves his abilities only very little every match. I'm in a catch 22 here: cant win if i cant improve and i cant improve if i cant win! Reward my ratings computer!!!

How long does it take for you guys to develop your players to....say the level of torres? How long before the level of C. Ronaldo? Hopefully at 23 or 24 right?

By the way, my averate rating is like 6-6.5.
Thx a bunch. This game is bloody AWESOME though!!!

Edit: I am dumbfounded with match experience points. I just finished season 1, winning the d1 league cup tournament, with my winning goal, and it STILL gives me like 2 points. When does the training speed up?


Registered User
Yeah it's kinda hard I know.

I got pretty good at 24 - enough to be a top scorer

but I scored 2 goals in the scout match and focussed only on specific skills in stregthen (never trained power & stamina - speed,shooting always >3)

average match rating 6-8

skipped all the matches after I got into 1st team, transfer only to teams playing in champions league (more turns available to skip match & get skills) - at that time, tottenham


Registered User
oh ok, thx for the good info and the reply

so the experience and strength points (the ones in red and green given at the end of the match) increase over time as you play better for your team? or are they given to you at the same constant rate regardless?

the tips in the game says that experience points will be given for playing in tournament finals, tight matches, etc. so i was wondering...


Registered User
yeah, strength points are pretty constant all the time. I found it when we're aged 17-19 we'll get ~15 exp points if we put strengthen to the fullest (6)

Around age 20-23 I only get about 9 exp per skills that I strengthen

I'm not sure about match exp since we only get very little of them every game (1-4), but surely those important matches (against strong teams, home derby, finals etc) will give more match exp


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Who is this fella?! He's posting this stuff all over the place


Registered User
I can't find it either man... I keep asking but nobody wants to tell me if there is that option on the PS2.

I don't think there is. It's bad to play it at PS2. Nobody discusses it. I'm in the 2nd season now. My striker's frequency in scoring has become lesser. It's as if the goalkeeper can block every of his shot. This is drastic, and I don't know why.


Registered User
Legend mode ois great for the winter when i dont want to go outside and play with my my 8 season going strong awesonme forward with star for 1 v1 penalties, centre and passing...playing fir valencia hoping for the dream mnove to madrid...reallyh the legend mode is the safer of this edition wonder why people arent talking about it more


Registered User
what would you dudes say was the best hieght and wieght to start with for a amf or a cf to optimise the stats at the the begging of your carrer??? tottaly addicted bal


Registered User
I just started as normal size and weight. I'm half way through season one at the moment, i really like the legend mode, i put myself in as a left winger (WF) but i kind of wish i put myself in as a AM or CF now. I just wish the stats would go up faster. It's taking forever for my skills to go up, how do you start getting the stars for things like 1on1's or pens etc??? Are they just given to you after time?


Registered User
you can either play through it and get more goals, records, trophies, etc.. or you can skip until your 22--ish and have better skills.


Registered User
I'm loving the legend mode as well .. it's so addictive.

When ever I don't make it to the starting 11, I curse the tv by saying: "sub me in coach"

My first season was with Fulham FC, I then wanted to play in a different league and eventually signed up with Toulouse. I even declined the opportunity to play for Liverpool ...

But the game has been great so far!!!

With the stats, I am developing my stamina (I've got 6 blocks dedicated to that strength). I'm always fatiguing early, and the coach subs me off around the 60 minute mark (even though I've scored goals)


Registered User
Hello people!

Just bought pes 2009 and currently i am loving the Become a Legend mode.

A quick question though, my player is right now 17, on the bench of valencia and frankly, quite terrible.

I know's he's only 17, so i'm playing him every match and skipping none.

Still, his training improves his abilities only very little every match. I'm in a catch 22 here: cant win if i cant improve and i cant improve if i cant win! Reward my ratings computer!!!

How long does it take for you guys to develop your players to....say the level of torres? How long before the level of C. Ronaldo? Hopefully at 23 or 24 right?

By the way, my averate rating is like 6-6.5.
Thx a bunch. This game is bloody AWESOME though!!!

Edit: I am dumbfounded with match experience points. I just finished season 1, winning the d1 league cup tournament, with my winning goal, and it STILL gives me like 2 points. When does the training speed up?

You get decent at 22 , good at maybe 24-25 , but you will never be as good as torres yet alone ronaldo , your stats keep increasing less and less over time.


New Member
You get decent at 22 , good at maybe 24-25 , but you will never be as good as torres yet alone ronaldo , your stats keep increasing less and less over time.

So are experience and strength points just two different ways of improving your skills. So if you skip a lot of games you will be a weaker player than if you play every game?


Registered User
So are experience and strength points just two different ways of improving your skills. So if you skip a lot of games you will be a weaker player than if you play every game?

You get strenght points from playing a game , not much but you get some especialy in important matches , so yes if you skip game you will be overall a weaker player.


Registered User
Yeah it's kinda hard I know.

I got pretty good at 24 - enough to be a top scorer

but I scored 2 goals in the scout match and focussed only on specific skills in stregthen (never trained power & stamina - speed,shooting always >3)

average match rating 6-8

skipped all the matches after I got into 1st team, transfer only to teams playing in champions league (more turns available to skip match & get skills) - at that time, tottenham

So what do you mean by skipping matches?

Like skip and don't play?

And why do that?

I am Mid fielder at the moment and I am terrible I'm not fast not good stamina not good shot power and accuracy and not enough power to pass and I try and get the ball I run it and they just push me over and don't know what to do.


Registered User
You can skip every match until you 25 and have good stats, it only takes a 1-2 cousin did it.


Registered User
I stared the game twice... My last legend got to Madrid (via Mallorca and Atletico Madrid), won the world cup for spain (MVP), the D1 Cup twice, The league Twice, was MVP of all competitions, the asist leader 3 years in a row, etc... all of this before turning 20, with really lousy Skills... of course I did this playing amateur, cause I got tired of playing to get 6 and 6.5 points. The thing is, the growth started slowing down by the middle of the third season, and the most surprinsig thing of all, REAL MADRID didn't renew my contract (the mvp of the league, leading asister of the league and champions, and leading scorer of the champions). WHATTT??? Now I'm playing for Arsenal! BAL is fun, but not very realistic!
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