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I Feel it


You seem to be very positive about PES 2012. Did you like 2011?

I just wonder what the general consensus is. Me and your best mate, Mak both liked PES 2011, but disliked the 2012 demo.

I don't hate it, but I can't say I love it either. And once I played the 2012 Demo, the 2011 version became instantly unplayable. Mainly because of the teammates movement, or lack of it.


Registered User
for me the best PES of this generation was 2010. 2011 for me was too arcadish with the passing and Konami had to implement cheaeting catch up systems and horribly bad shooting to compensate the crazy good passing. While it was fun it really didn;t feel like PES to me. This beta version of 2012 is not that good, the good demo is the WE demo which is a later product of the same game. Based on the WE demo I feel this coming game will be the best of the generation resebling the gameplay style and feel of the old PS2 games such as WE10, PES5 and 6.

For me this generation

1 2010
2 2011
3 2009
as for 2008, it doesnt qualify, it was a total disaster!

Im thinking 2012 will top the list though, I get a good feeling when playing the WE demo!


Registered User
I don't hate it, but I can't say I love it either. And once I played the 2012 Demo, the 2011 version became instantly unplayable. Mainly because of the teammates movement, or lack of it.

good point, same here, 2011 is so different, feels so arcadish and one dimentional from passing to player movement and also the tackling system and way of playing defense on 2012 makes it much deeper as far as gameplay. Now when I go online and play 2011 I whip the ball around and feels too open and loose... 2012 is definitely a better approach to the game!


Registered User
for me the best PES of this generation was 2010. 2011 for me was too arcadish with the passing and Konami had to implement cheaeting catch up systems and horribly bad shooting to compensate the crazy good passing. While it was fun it really didn;t feel like PES to me. This beta version of 2012 is not that good, the good demo is the WE demo which is a later product of the same game. Based on the WE demo I feel this coming game will be the best of the generation resebling the gameplay style and feel of the old PS2 games such as WE10, PES5 and 6.

For me this generation

1 2010
2 2011
3 2009
as for 2008, it doesnt qualify, it was a total disaster!

PES 6 - xbox 360.:)

I'm sorry but pes 2011 is head and shoulders above 2010.2010 was crap with the grandad turn and shocking response times.


Registered User
I felt it in 2011 but what I aint feeling is Konami's frustrating as fuck habits of removing features that don't make any sense what so ever!! I mean really? What possible benefit does it bring to remove the ability the transfer players in edit mode during a League/Cup you got going on?? Oh and this is the hilarious part, Leagues can go on for an unlimited amount of seasons with the Champions League in tact and everything but you can't edit the transfers? YOU HAVE TO START AGAIN!!?? WTFF?? WHAT'S THE DAMN POINT THEN? Who the hel wants to use old squads 6 seasons in League mode? Sooo stupid!

Gameplay is finally decent, don't go and fuck up the features now Konami damn.


Registered User
I like the new feature of tactics in the game when you press start and circle. Good they removed all the replays of fouls but waiting for extra player to step up in free kicks is annoying. Couldnt be more careless about that.

So Konami have can we trust that PES 2012 will be out for xbox. I mean you promised us demo and now just ignore us. Idiots.


Registered User
I like the new feature of tactics in the game when you press start and circle. Good they removed all the replays of fouls but waiting for extra player to step up in free kicks is annoying. Couldnt be more careless about that.

So Konami have can we trust that PES 2012 will be out for xbox. I mean you promised us demo and now just ignore us. Idiots.

thats why you get a PS3 and not an Xbox.... LOL JK.... hopefully u get your demo soon!! probably demo #2 at this point!


Registered User
thats why you get a PS3 and not an Xbox.... LOL JK.... hopefully u get your demo soon!! probably demo #2 at this point!

Is that a garantee.

The other day i rang SeabASS but he couldnt be bothered as he was playing Medal of Honour (yes from EA). He later e-mailed me and said that i had to tweet to Hatoshi.
