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3rd December it seems...
You get the full competition schedule (as Benfica, at the start I get the Portuguese league, the supercup, the cup and the CL), you get player tiredness and injuries if you choose so, but no transfers, no player development, no training programmes, no team spirit, no stats report. It feels more 'stable' in gameplay but of course the depth in ML is missing.
One thing that annoys me this year in ML is being constantly bothered outside the transfer window with transfer requests, glad I don't have that in League. And there's too many strong players as free agents at the moment which means I completely change my team right away, it gets much stronger and it doesn't feel like my team so much anymore. It's fun now in League to play with my real team's line ups...
...all fur-coat and no knickers.
I wish they would bring back turn off first transfer window. Also bring back transfer frequency which could be set to low normal high. Hasnt had these options in years.
CONFIRMED: The article "PES 2017: What do the fans want?" will be released and sent to the developers on 2015/12/4.
You're right about the disparity between big teams / mid-table and small teams. If I do bump the difficulty down to Top Player; I'll use a small team, which I always do in any Footy game because using Big Teams is no challenge or Joy for me.
I actually have the impression that you're not a fan of the game of football itself, cause most of the resentiments (I don't know whether that word exists in english, it's used in french and german, maybe it should be prejudice) you have are based on the principle that only what is best is enjoyable and worthwhile, that's not the way the average human brain works!
I'll never understand how some people find the "challenge" above enjoyable. Playing with small teams doesn't change the fact that the core elements of the gameplay are inherently outdated; in fact, playing with small teams further exposes how outdated the game design is (therefore making the video game more boring than it would be if you played with bigger teams that are supposed to offer more variables of entertainment).
Think about it this way -- would you prefer to watch Zidane play; or would it be "more rewarding" to watch some random guy from Rayo Vallecano play?
Obviously, it is more entertaining to watch a genius at work. And really, that's exactly how a video game *should* work. If the video game is unremarkable enough that playing with the big teams is boring enough that you'd feel the need to artificially increase the difficulty level of the whole game by playing with small teams... Guess what? Playing with the small teams isn't going to fix any of the inherent flaws, in fact, playing with the small teams will only further expose how limited/outdated the game design is.
With a game that actually works correctly -- that would work. Playing with one of the weaker character (one of the weaker characters in the Mortal Kombat franchise, for example) would work. Because then, you wouldn't be artificially elevating the difficulty level; but rather, the level would actually increase in terms of difficulty. That being said; PES and FIFA do not work like that -- these are quasi-simulation games, based on stats, and currently out of balance regarding how much control said stats should be allowed to have over the game.
So when you play with the smaller teams, that actually makes the flaws more apparent, because then you have to play around the stats-based script that determines that a smaller team should have a more difficult time finding the goal. In the case of PES and FIFA, said script overrides whatever "skill" you think you possess. So essentially, you end up artificially elevating the difficulty, just so that you can play a supposedly "more rewarding" but definitely more dumber version of the game. And that's what I don't get... I don't get how making the game dumber, somehow makes it a more rewarding or "challenging" experience.
It's actually disturbing, how so many people are completely impervious to what "entertainment" is actually supposed to feel like. And in saying so, I don't mean to say that entertainment is or should be supposed to be a very specific thing; rather, what I mean to say is that, if playing with the "big teams" (and therefore enjoying the primary selling point of the game) is "boring" enough that you feel playing with the smaller teams somehow makes the game more bearable -- that's as conclusive an argument as any, that there's something seriously wrong with the very foundation of the game design.
I can get that you'd want to play with smaller teams from time to time; if anything to mix things up a bit. But when that's the main reason why you buy the game... I just can't reconcile those two sentiments; I can't reconcile not enjoying the biggest selling point of the game, and somehow enjoying playing with teams that further expose why the biggest selling point of the game failed in the first place.
Playing PES16 (or FIFA16) with the small teams, in cinematic terms, is the same thing as watching (upon recommendation) one of the top five episodes of some talked about television program -- not liking at all said television program, and then deciding that it would be "more of a challenge" to watch the more uneventful/boring episodes of a television program that you don't actually like in the first place.
If you willingly admit that experiencing the biggest/primary selling point of the game, isn't rewarding nor joyful in your opinion -- then you really shouldn't be fooling yourself that a dumber but more difficult version of something that you don't like, somehow becomes something that you find "rewarding."
In any case, disgruntled fans need to talk with their money. They continue buying into the hype machine, when it was abundantly obvious from the many pre-release videos, that the game is still running on the same old outdated design. PES and FIFA both feel like old news -- both are in need of a significant revamp.
It doesn't matter if the game is poor or not; any video or sports game I play, whether it's PES, FIFA or NBA 2K, I use smaller / decent teams because it's enjoyable FOR ME!
It feels more worthwhile winning or finishing top 5 etc. with a smaller / decent team as oppose to scoring 4 goals every single game with ease with the top teams, Barcelona, Bayern, Real Madrid and winning every trophy; as oppose to building a team for a number a seasons and then finally win a trophy like a Europa league for example.
So I'm not understand these long epistles by both of you, over such a simple statement on my part? Because I love using smaller teams?
If you all want to use the BEST TEAMS and win every game 4-0 or 5-0 and buy the most expensive players and win all the trophies with ease, that's no problem! Do what you want!
If I want to use smaller teams and develop young players and build them into a proper team, let me do what I want. I really don't see what your issue is?
I believe what the two guys meant..and I AGREE 100% with them, that more people do what you do because they are driven towards it due to the"mechanics"of this game. Where the differene is; is that you do it because of PERSONAL preference, which is very rare, but the majority does it because of the pile of shit that KONAMI is turning this lovely game into year after year
But what can you expect, if you release a game with OUTDATED rosters running all over the place that means that U DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE FANS, BUT LIKE I SAID IN A PREVIOUS POST...they only care about MARKET SHARE, TURNOVER AND GROSS MARGIN..
They clearly rushed it and said fuck it..we need to do it otherwise FIFA will profit and we will be fucked regarding Market Share.
KONAMI is just reheating the soup .....
I actually have the impression that you're not a fan of the game of football itself, cause most of the resentiments (I don't know whether that word exists in english, it's used in french and german, maybe it should be prejudice) you have are based on the principle that only what is best is enjoyable and worthwhile, that's not the way the average human brain works!
So anyway, been away from the forums scene for a while but I see nothing changes. Ockrass and Amateur still caning the long posts I see. Respect to both though, surprised you still have the energy to posts these million word essays like I used to. You prob don't remember the debates back in the day. Anyway.
Keeping it simple I'm a little confused this year. I see the majority of the main reviewers are giving PES high ratings compared to FIFA, although that could be a big brown envelope pay off from Konami this year, who knows. Also the overall feedback from the masses is that PES is the much better game this year; in fact FIFA is getting caned on metacritc. But, what I'm interested in is the hardcore fans. I'm getting the impression some maybe thinking that FIFA is more simulation this year....maybe?