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I'm afraid to say..


Registered User
I am now a FIFA player,

Been with PES Since 2005, always enjoyed the gameplay more, it was fast and fun, and didn't take itself so seriously, and overall, it had playability.

PES has always had its problems, PES2010 had loads.. but it didn't stop me playing 41 seasons of Master League across 4 teams on it...

But PES2011 is unplayable in my opinion, I agree with it needing a huge overhaul, and graphically it looks nice, the menu's take some getting used to but they are good, I don't like the team lineup menu atall.. makes things too complicated and its buggy as hell. Players look better though.

But when it comes to the most important part of the game, the gameplay, it's something I can't get used to, slowing the pace, fair enough but taking away every little ounce of speed, why?

My main issue is the speed, playing it with any team feels like I'm playing with a team of Heskey's, i.e. slow awful players, Dashing is a slow jog.. why can't players actually run?, do you not watch players like Bale and Walcott sprint down the entire length of the field, breaking away from people.. that is impossible here, instead of making it realistic, it feels like players have had their ability greatly reduced.

I don't know what to make of movement, still feels slow. Passing is terrible in my opinion, a full powered pass across the floor only travels about half the width of the pitch before slowing to nothing.. Full powered across the floor should be able to easily travel half the length of the pitch at full speed, can nobody kick balls anymore?

Shooting wise it feels unbalanced, I can just tap shoot and its enough to sky it which is irritating, I've only been able to score about 4 goals in 10 matches, and on PES2010 for example I averaged between 110 - 150 goals a season.

If people say this is realistic and FIFA11 is arcade, then I guess I'm an arcade gamer, FIFA11 has MUCH more playability, you can sprint and shoot, passing and crossing is much better, graphics look better in my opinion, AI and proportions are superior, gameplay in general is great.

Transfers are better, you actually have initial input, instead of leaving it to the Scout.. and of course FIFA have all of the licenses, so instead of playing as NORTH LONDON vs LANCASHIRE or some crap. You play as Arsenal vs Blackburn Rovers, which is much more "Realistic".

You've lost a fan PES, I'm uninstalling and selling it back to the shop, I got both games, and gave both a proper chance, since the games came out, and I've found myself going on FIFA11 every single day and PES2011 about 7 times.

I hope PES2012 is another overhaul, in the right direction.

Going on FIFA, later.


Registered User
I switched to fifa 11, too. I felt that PES was good and a step in the right direction, but just didn't feel complete. in my opinion, the shooting felt over-powered and the animations still felt clunky. I initially thought that I would buy fifa 11 for just this year and pes again next year, but I have been impressed with fifa. Hopefully PES will retake the crown for 2012.


Registered User
So because the pace has been slowed down to match reality and it's much harder to score cheap goals now you give up? If you're not willing to learn to play this game the way it's supposed to be played then you're probably better off taking it back. For me the pace of the games is something that definitely needed to be slowed down because in reality players don't start in their own half of the pitch and take on every single player up until the goal and then score. Sure, it does happen with truly gifted players (Maradona, Messi, Kaka a couple of years back etc.) but 99.99% of the time football at the highest level is not played like that.

In regards to your comment about Bale and Walcott - Walcott doesn't take players on, he almost always gets muscled off the ball when he does. The best he can do is either flick the ball at a good distance away from his marker then try to beat him to the ball or he waits for a through ball and gets to it before anyone else and leaves them; same in this game. Gareth Bale doesn't bomb up and down the pitch all game taking players on left, right and centre. He does bomb up and down the pitch but there's a lot more to it than just run run run cross/shoot. Fair enough he gave Maicon a nightmare of a game when he was wiping the floor with him but personally I think it had more to do with Maicon under-performing than it did with Bale's performance (although I take nothing away from his outstanding ability).

Also shooting is a lot more contextual now. Players that are under no pressure and at a decent angle on their stronger foot will find it easier to find space for a shot than someone who has defenders breathing down his bum-cheeks. And only a select few players can shoot well while sprinting because it favours their stats to usually be moving at a relatively fast pace to produce something close to their best, someone like Cristiano Ronaldo will get better shots in when he's actually sprinting. But overall it's mostly down to how much pressure the player is under.

I don't know about you but for me there's not a great deal of difference between the fundamental aspects of the gameplay in this game and real-life football.


Registered User
Um....if the game is too slow just up the game speed. I found that -2 was way too slow for myself as well, as I could never truly get my teammates timing right on the counter. Thus I raised the speed to -1 and sometimes even to 0 to have a faster quick counter. Its made the game much more enjoyable.

I too was endlessly frustrated with the game, I thought it was awful, and couldn't understand why I waited for so long and paid as much as I did. However you will find the more and more you splay, the better the game gets. There are so many factors attributed to game play its almost mind boggling. Running into an open space on the wrong foot effects your shooting, your pass has to be immaculate, and you truly need to know how to deal with a strong no nonsense defender, ball possesion becomes a constant battle and you have to read plays to know when you can break for goal.

I like the realistic revamp, at least now I can actually have a goaltender battle, damn llorente saved like clear break shots I had last last game. lol


Registered User
I really fell out of love with PES2011 until I was recommended MLO, I won't touch offline ML now, its not a touch of MLO. Sure some glitches like cursor switching remain but it doesn't feel as frustrating as it dooes on ML offline.


Registered User
'I am afraid to say' that this year's version is absolutely great and its for the best that you give up on it if you don't like it.


Registered User
Speed wise I agree it needed to be slightly slower, but Sprinting, isn't a sprint.. watching football you can see how quickly players can run with the ball, counter attacking is great to watch, and in games great to perform.

But the sprint in PES2011 can't beat anyone, you sprint with the ball at your feet constantly.. instead of taking big strides and tapping the ball a few feet infront of you as you run. It feels unrealistic to me.

I find playing FIFA11, the general movements and sprinting is almost perfect, you CAN break away and beat defenders, and you can counter attack at good speed, it feels more realistic, more what happens in the English Premier League (that I watch the most).

In most cases, the attackers are smaller and quicker, and the defenders are bigger and slower, but on PES2011 when I find a space to run into and break away to goal with a top striker, with the defender facing the other way, behind me, he catches up in seconds and tackles.

To me, its not realistic atall, its closer to realism.. but it needs improvements, just tweaks here and there.

In my opinion FIFA10 was better than PES2010 but I am a PC gamer, and on the PC, FIFA10 had no effort put into it, and it used a 2 year old engine. And PES2010 made an effort.. which kept me playing it.

FIFA11 has almost perfected football in games.. and it has broke away from the competition, FIFA11 sold 10x the amount as PES2011 in the first week..

I really do hope PES2012 is a challenger, and KONAMI manage to get all of the licenses, or atleast the biggest leagues, Premier League, La Liga, Serie A etc.. I always have to wait for a custom patch to make the games appealing to play.

For now, I play FIFA11 until the next versions then we'll see.


Basically you want a football game where you can dribble past the whole team with one player and pluck out 10 nil wins like last years piece of garbage with a speed that caters towards your adhd brain.

As for counter attacking you can do a much better job of that on pes2011 and the opposition play differently compared to fifa generic garbage.

You can not take on players on fifa. But good for you that you prefer it. It's a game for simpletons and you won't have to think about anything.


Registered User
If it was fifa 10 (next gen) then I would fully agree that it was better than pes 10, but fifa 11 is only better than pes 11 as a package.
Fifa 11 basically BLINDS THE INDIVIDUAL WITH VISUALS (not graphics for players, but overall palette), MOVEMENT, AND OVERALL PLAY and it won't let you see the bigger picture at first.
Well, the bigger picture is that fifa 11 is the most broken game in history.
Let me explain.
Fifa 10 had overrated pressure system, FIFA 11 MADE IT WORSE.
Basically, pick a team with strong forwards and you will dominate small players like messi. Strength/speed are the only attributes that matters in fifa and fifa 11 continued to make this worse by overrating the strength even more. Body balance does not in fifa 11.
As I already mentioned, the pressure is highly overrated. Spam the pressure button and you have the ball. Timing is very little unlike in reality where timing is everything. COVERING is something that does not exist in fifa because of all the pressure.

Then let's see the AI.
It wasn't that good in fifa 10, but it was playable and enjoyable.
But in fifa 11 the AI is terrible.
- the cpu AI is always cheating like crazy on world class +
- Also fifa 11 is VERY, VERY SCRIPTED, to a point where if you reset a game in manager mode, the SAME AI player scores everytime you do the game. Note that this hig level of scripting is what made me quit fifa 11 for good, because it is not a game of skill anymore like fifa 10 was. It has become a noobs game where LUCK plays the bigger part instead of skill.
Basically the AI RUINS fifa 11.
I would have been happy with fifa 10 again, BUT FIFA 11, only looks much better at first, but then, when you start to notice these OBVIOUS things, you will realize that fifa 11 is not the game that everyone is thinking it is. It LOOKS GLOSSY, but IT IS FAULTY UNDERNEATH.

Although you do mention some good points about pes especially the speed one (defenders catching up) (yeah it's a stupid way to make the game more balanced).
So overall it's still an opinion, but I just cannot see what's all the fuss with fifa 11 because that game is really broken OFFLINE.
Online is pretty good though especially when controlling 1 player (SINCE THIS IS THE ONLY TIME WHERE THE AI can't interfere).


Registered User
At no point did I say I wanted a game where one player can beat an entire team. I play a passing game on FIFA11, I play like Arsenal does at their best.

I just want a game that doesn't greatly undervalue human ability, PES2011 restricts you to a semi-run with the ball at your fastest.. whereas in reality, hundreds of players can run fast with the ball, to the point where the commentators are saying "Blistering down the wing", or "pulling away from the rest of the field".

On this, those quotes could never be said about the sprinting, it feels un-natural.

Call FIFA what you like, it's an opinion, but in mine, its a fantastic game, made to please its fans, and the sales tell you the story.

I respect shaun7's opinion because he explained himself and didn't insult my opinion.

The way I see it, FIFA games and PES games are both flawed in some way, but before something sets the bar well above them both, neither will be the perfect game, and depending if you're a PES fan or FIFA fan, opinions vary hugely.

I just came here to give mine, I've changed from PES to FIFA for this year, but I hold both series of games in high regard.


At no point did I say I wanted a game where one player can beat an entire team. I play a passing game on FIFA11, I play like Arsenal does at their best.

I just want a game that doesn't greatly undervalue human ability, PES2011 restricts you to a semi-run with the ball at your fastest.. whereas in reality, hundreds of players can run fast with the ball, to the point where the commentators are saying "Blistering down the wing", or "pulling away from the rest of the field".

On this, those quotes could never be said about the sprinting, it feels un-natural.

Call FIFA what you like, it's an opinion, but in mine, its a fantastic game, made to please its fans, and the sales tell you the story.

I respect shaun7's opinion because he explained himself and didn't insult my opinion.

The way I see it, FIFA games and PES games are both flawed in some way, but before something sets the bar well above them both, neither will be the perfect game, and depending if you're a PES fan or FIFA fan, opinions vary hugely.

I just came here to give mine, I've changed from PES to FIFA for this year, but I hold both series of games in high regard.

Lol you're a joker if you think fifa values human ability. A game that does everything for you like you're a child, and you play fifa for this? Where every player plays the same and is unable to dribble past a player. And players like ronaldo and messi are slow as anything and are no different to titus bramble.

Riddled with a computer defense that is superman and can outpace, outstrength and can time a perfect tackle every time no matter who they are or are up against making it impossible. The personality traits are also poor and predictable and i nearly every tall player has the strength and aerial ability as king kong making it possible for them to get the better of any player. The defence in fifa is never out of position so I dont know how you find counter attacking easier maybe the difficulty level you play on is beginner. There are no players in the world that can constantly read every ball that is ever played you can even pass the ball around the midfield without other players picking out every single pass. But this is what people like you appreciate because you don't have to think about what you're doing in a match and alter any tactics that are too complicated to engage in

Lets be honest here, I you and I both know that you want the game to play real fast like an arcade game where you dont have to use your brain cells and instead just punch a few buttons where your attacker leaves the defender for dust using his 99 ability stats.

Good for you that you changed to fifa. I don't get why you needed to make an announcement about it. Do you make annoucements to your parents every time you change your pants?

Then again this forum is filled with drama queens thinking that if they bash the game and say they moved to fifa, they can then recruit others to follow them.


Registered User
Good for you that you changed to fifa. I don't get why you needed to make an announcement about it. Do you make annoucements to your parents every time you change your pants?

I lol'd.

In regards to not being able to sprint well on PES 11 - you can run and knock the ball a few yards in front of the player (double/triple tap sprint or try RT+RB+point 45 degrees from player with analogue/D pad) but they come with risks of losing possession easily depending on situation so are assigned differently than normal sprint. The normal sprint tries to maintain as much control as humanly possible (taking into account player stats) without crossing the line into unrealism like PES 10 did with the simply unhuman runs and turns players could easily perform while sprinting. It's not easy to take on players in this game but it's definitely possible. In real life players don't always run straight at the defender at full speed and then keep running with the ball as if the player wasn't even there.

There are strategies to taking on a man, you have to bring him in close, let him get sucked in and keep the ball close to your feet while you maintain a steady pace, then at the crucial moment where his balance is tipped in a certain direction you turn as quick as you can and run in the opposite direction as quick as you can, that way he is unable to catch you straight away meaning you've found at least an extra half a yard to do your business. And for the moments when you are sprinting and you're about to get caught, turn. How else are you supposed to maintain possession if not to work for it? Games are going to be tight at times and players will mark you like crazy but let's face it the Premier League's style of kick-and-rush ain't gonna win many major trophies in the near future (just look at what happened in the WC to the England team and anyone who plays in the EPL). It's important to play the game at a suitable pace for your players to really showcase their footballing abilities, as long as you have the ball the opponent can't score :p.

Also important is player skill cards, players without these can have the best stats in the game but won't be able to execute their strengths as well as they could be.


Registered User
Pes is great against the computer and fifa is quality against humans and atm I play football games against humans so for me fifa is better. The goals may not fly in like they do in pes but the way u create them is very realistic.

Next year for the first time I'm defo buying fifa, absolutey and only possibly buying pes. Never done that before but unless i see new game engine konami can kiss fifa's ass


Registered User
Lol you're a joker if you think fifa values human ability. A game that does everything for you like you're a child, and you play fifa for this? Where every player plays the same and is unable to dribble past a player. And players like ronaldo and messi are slow as anything and are no different to titus bramble.

Riddled with a computer defense that is superman and can outpace, outstrength and can time a perfect tackle every time no matter who they are or are up against making it impossible. The personality traits are also poor and predictable and i nearly every tall player has the strength and aerial ability as king kong making it possible for them to get the better of any player. The defence in fifa is never out of position so I dont know how you find counter attacking easier maybe the difficulty level you play on is beginner. There are no players in the world that can constantly read every ball that is ever played you can even pass the ball around the midfield without other players picking out every single pass. But this is what people like you appreciate because you don't have to think about what you're doing in a match and alter any tactics that are too complicated to engage in

Lets be honest here, I you and I both know that you want the game to play real fast like an arcade game where you dont have to use your brain cells and instead just punch a few buttons where your attacker leaves the defender for dust using his 99 ability stats.

Good for you that you changed to fifa. I don't get why you needed to make an announcement about it. Do you make annoucements to your parents every time you change your pants?

Then again this forum is filled with drama queens thinking that if they bash the game and say they moved to fifa, they can then recruit others to follow them.

Lol you probably like to play first person shooters where you have to manufacture the bullets then manually load them into the gun.

Its actually easier to dribble past a player on Fifa, heck, skills are much easier to use, you can rainbow flick over the defence then take it around the keeper to slide it in.

If you remember my main complaint about this game, it was SPEED, this years Fifa has considerably more speed than Pes, Messi is like a bullet, you physically cannot run fast on Pes, on Fifa you can, I don't know how you're playing it.

As far as defense being that good, no its not.. all you need is a tactic and a basic grasp on the skills and you can make any defense look like a bunch of pussies, defenders never catch up to me, I even have time to slow my pace and pick my spot..

And tackling wise, the opposition team gets so many yellow cards against me.. its unreal, and red cards thrown about every few games. Most of the attempted tackles I pass away before contact or use skill to avoid it.

I never bothered with the personality crap, so I wouldn't know,

And Tall players are only good if they're well built, Crouch gets bitched about.

I play on Professional and World Class, and occaisonally Legendary but it gets pretty hard then.

I completely customize tactics, I have a custom formation tailored to attacking, I have gameplans, I mark people, put fast players on the wings and tanks on defense etc.. without tactics you lose, on either game.

Everything you have described seems that it's not the game that's bad, its you... you've explained how you are incapable of using any skills or tactics to get past players on Fifa, are you even trying?

I don't want Fifa to be an arcade game, and its not an arcade game, its the only football game out there that has constantly improved on its previous game. Fifa 10 was considered a masterpiece, Fifa 11 is a polished version, the sales say it all, it is the leading football game for a reason, and not because its easy. Its more realistic than Pes in my opinion, better movements and much better striking, commentating, menu's, graphics, gameplay in general.

Overall I was just giving my opinion of the new PES after being a fan from 2005 - 2010, this is a discussion board, and I am discussing my opinions and why I have changed to FIFA after 5 years.

You're the one being a drama queen by challenging people who have an opinion on a game.

People can like whatever game they like, PES has its fans and so does FIFA, everyone is entitled to an opinion, I didn't set out to try and gain followers, I'm just saying farewell to PES for this year.


Lol you probably like to play first person shooters where you have to manufacture the bullets then manually load them into the gun.

No such game so thats a retarded ppoint

Its actually easier to dribble past a player on Fifa, heck, skills are much easier to use, you can rainbow flick over the defence then take it around the keeper to slide it in.

No its not because fifa doesn't replicate the abilities of players aswell as pes. You can do all those things more effectiviety on pes but you have to put in the practices to get the timing right. It's not a pick up and play for people who can't be bothered to think. You just bash some buttons on fifa and voila, things happen. It's a dumbed down game for dumbed down symdrome syndicates like yourself who want to win every game 10 nill and feel special for 20 minutes of your life.

If you remember my main complaint about this game, it was SPEED, this years Fifa has considerably more speed than Pes, Messi is like a bullet, you physically cannot run fast on Pes, on Fifa you can, I don't know how you're playing it.

Absolute bollox, I give you that its stupid that defenders catch up to players like messia and wilcott on pes but these guys are skillful enough on the game where you can just use techinical ability instead. It helps stop these players from being super human and from speed abusing merchents like yourself just passing the ball to the player and dashing through the whole team every time. Guys like yourself just buy ronaldo, torres, messi and then jump online, run down the flanks cut in and score like an arsehole and think your doing something with your time. That's not football son, thats arcade abuse.

As far as defense being that good, no its not.. all you need is a tactic and a basic grasp on the skills and you can make any defense look like a bunch of pussies, defenders never catch up to me, I even have time to slow my pace and pick my spot..

Aww you even have time to slow down and do what you like in the box! Just like in real life, the attacker speeds past the defense and has all the time in the world to pick their spot :rolleyes:

And tackling wise, the opposition team gets so many yellow cards against me.. its unreal, and red cards thrown about every few games. Most of the attempted tackles I pass away before contact or use skill to avoid it.

And you think that's good do you?

I never bothered with the personality crap, so I wouldn't know,

Too much for your brain?

And Tall players are only good if they're well built, Crouch gets bitched about.

It's a fact you don't have to slide tackle on fifa, just bash x and every defender no matter how crap they are in real life, will dispossess the opposition every time. If that's what you think represents football, then be my guest.
But don't try and kid others into believing fifa is a realistic stimulation.

I play on Professional and World Class, and occaisonally Legendary but it gets pretty hard then.

Good for you, well done, amazing, you're so special and talented, no one is like you.

Everything you have described seems that it's not the game that's bad, its you... you've explained how you are incapable of using any skills or tactics to get past players on Fifa, are you even trying?

Nah my time is wasted on a superficial glossed over turd of a game like fifa11

I don't want Fifa to be an arcade game, and its not an arcade game, its the only football game out there that has constantly improved on its previous game. Fifa 10 was considered a masterpiece, Fifa 11 is a polished version, the sales say it all, it is the leading football game for a reason, and not because its easy. Its more realistic than Pes in my opinion, better movements and much better striking, commentating, menu's, graphics, gameplay in general.

Better licensing and graphics, like I said its a game for superficial arseholes. fifa is like your pornstar looking women, looks all nice and glossed up on the outside, with pretty blonde hair, big plastic bimbo boobs that says ''look at me'' and all the meatheads come running towards her because they've been brainwashed into believing that's what a women should look like. But on the inside is std ridden coke and meth infested piece of infected garbage with a personality of a corpse and can't hold a conversation for longer than 2 minutes before getting bored out of your mind.. Whereas pes is a real natural down to earth woman, unassuming and beautiful on the inside with a deep soulful personality and can't stop talking to and makes you want to find out more about her.

Btw the way you were wrong about last years fifa, you just been brainwashed by magazine reviews who play test that crap for 5 minutes and have a wank after they realise they can score goals at will. It was a dismal failure last year, the fifa fanboys were disgusted with the game the same like the pes fans were digusted with pes2010

Overall I was just giving my opinion of the new PES after being a fan from 2005 - 2010, this is a discussion board, and I am discussing my opinions and why I have changed to FIFA after 5 years.

Why didn't you jump on board the fifa train last year if you thought it was so great? I tell you why, because pes2010 was a game for simpletons much like this years fifa11 where you could be a speed merchant abuser, dribble down the wing, drill in crosses and score every time and you couldnt stop yourself from playing it. And it gave you the chance to just pass the ball to messi and run through the defense with speed, as if they were not there and pluck up 10-0 score lines and spazz out at the high scores.

Now those kid features have been taken out, you throw your toys out of the pram and switch to an easier game while proclaiming it's always been the best even though you didn't even play test it last year, but parroting magazine reviews and going off the sales success. No problem at all, as your entitled to do what you like. I just can't stand it when you have to make these drama queen statements as if you done something wonderful, when in truth all you've achieved is dumbing yourself down and confirming it in public.

You're the one being a drama queen by challenging people who have an opinion on a game.

Calling people up on their bullshit nonsensical and deluded attention seeking opinions, has nothing to do with being a drama queen.. Compared to how you behave where you come on here and cry that the game is too challenging and difficult to understand and not fast enough and expect other deluded members to say'' hey freak your right, I'm tired of pes, I'm going to buy fifa11 too'' That would have been music to your ears, just so you could feel you're getting one over on pes for not being fast and easier enough where you have all the time in the world to place your shots on goal, lol.

People can like whatever game they like, PES has its fans and so does FIFA, everyone is entitled to an opinion, I didn't set out to try and gain followers, I'm just saying farewell to PES for this year.

Thats right you can like whatever you want, only thing is the whole world doesn't need to know your tastes and preferences as if you've just made an achievement and moved mountains.


Registered User
In regards to your comment about Bale and Walcott - Walcott doesn't take players on, he almost always gets muscled off the ball when he does. The best he can do is either flick the ball at a good distance away from his marker then try to beat him to the ball or he waits for a through ball and gets to it before anyone else and leaves them; same in this game..

Just to pick up on this, I agree you shouldnt be able to just roar past people at will, thats a positive change. But whats badly wrong is that lets say im using Walcott against someone like Terry who is strong but slow, if I use a skill or trick to knock the ball past him and then beat him to the loose ball, at that point when theres physical space between me and him, he should never catch me, he simply wouldnt, if Walcott got away from him he would be screwed.

Where as in PES2011 even if you do knock it round him with that diagonal knock skill thing as soon as you get back on the ball he will catch up to you in about 2 seconds. That is ridiculous, and as much as I love PES its clear the only reason that happens is cause Konami made the defence so bad and through balls so good that without such a limitation on speed every game would have cricket scorelines.

Playing online you get through balls bisecting the back line completely at least 15 - 20 times per game which is frankly ridiculous. If the speed of players wasnt gimped the scores would be like 10-8 even in short online games.


Registered User
Where as in PES2011 even if you do knock it round him with that diagonal knock skill thing as soon as you get back on the ball he will catch up to you in about 2 seconds. That is ridiculous, and as much as I love PES its clear the only reason that happens is cause Konami made the defence so bad and through balls so good that without such a limitation on speed every game would have cricket scorelines.

Best comment in this thread, not offensive in any way, and objective.

The passing system is too advanced for the actual game, the vast majority of people have little idea of how Football should be played from a wide view perspective: when defending, when and where the ball carrier passes the ball, should directly affect the functioning of the left analogue stick and the sprint button.

When and where the ball carrier passes the ball, should affect how the buttons/controls function; to date, it has never affected the functioning of the left analogue stick nor the sprint button, in any way.

PES11 vs FIFA11

I am not a "simpleton" and I prefer certain things that PES10 had that PES11 does not have: simply put, with strategies, I prefer PES10; without strategies, I prefer PES11.

To say that FIFA11 is better or more realistic than PES11 is nonsense; however, to say that PES11 is realistic is also subjective and redundant. I prefer PES11 due to the fact that, at least, it has a certain level of depth. But still, PES11 has a lot of flaws, in very important areas.

Both games are very simple and very dumb. I don't see the point of attacking someone for saying that FIFA11 is better, when you think that PES11 is realistic or deep.

FIFA11 is easier than PES11, but both video games are very simple and very superficial, and neither offers anything truly new or revolutionary.

PES11 has a lot of potential, if the correct changes or replacements are made in the correct areas; wishful thinking, I guess... It was the same thing with PES5, huge potential.... five years later, and PES11 does not feel as different as one would expect.

The same old buttons, left analogue stick and sprint button, work the same way. The same old defensive system, where the movement of the ball does not determines defensive reactions, or in other words, where the movement of the ball does not affects the functioning of the left analogue stick and the sprint button, etc.

It's like Konami and EA sports are determined to keep the game dumb. At this point, my attitude is, I don't really care; it will eventually change, because it will be necessary at some point.


Registered User
At no point did I say I wanted a game where one player can beat an entire team. I play a passing game on FIFA11, I play like Arsenal does at their best.

I just want a game that doesn't greatly undervalue human ability, PES2011 restricts you to a semi-run with the ball at your fastest.. whereas in reality, hundreds of players can run fast with the ball, to the point where the commentators are saying "Blistering down the wing", or "pulling away from the rest of the field".

On this, those quotes could never be said about the sprinting, it feels un-natural.

Call FIFA what you like, it's an opinion, but in mine, its a fantastic game, made to please its fans, and the sales tell you the story.

I respect shaun7's opinion because he explained himself and didn't insult my opinion.

The way I see it, FIFA games and PES games are both flawed in some way, but before something sets the bar well above them both, neither will be the perfect game, and depending if you're a PES fan or FIFA fan, opinions vary hugely.

I just came here to give mine, I've changed from PES to FIFA for this year, but I hold both series of games in high regard.

Sup Freak367,

There is no reason to apologize or explain yourself to anyone here.
You have stated a valid reason for not liking PES 2011. Many many many others have also. This is why my beloved PES has gone to the dogs. The game is garbage!

Currently, Fifa is the best footie game that simulates real life football. Make no excuses to no one for playing it.

Of course Fifa has its problems ...but they are minimal. I too was a huge PES fan and defended the title for a long time. Today I only play the best football game ever ....yep ever.....Fifa 11.

Have you seen how realistic these players move? The collisions, the stretches for balls, the tricks, the wing to wing passes, the curling long balls, the hustle for balls, the pushes, the tugs, the clearances .... I could go on and on ....PES pales in comparison.

There is a reason Fifa is again #1 and fail to believe that it is because the game is "easy".

The reason why Fifa is now again on top is because it works! Great graphics, Licensed (tired of Man Red) and most of all ...freakishly realistic.

Do not follow these handful of idiots here...Do not waste your time on PES.

EA ...its in the game


Registered User
Best comment in this thread, not offensive in any way, and objective.

The passing system is too advanced for the actual game, the vast majority of people have little idea of how Football should be played from a wide view perspective: when defending, when and where the ball carrier passes the ball, should directly affect the functioning of the left analogue stick and the sprint button.

When and where the ball carrier passes the ball, should affect how the buttons/controls function; to date, it has never affected the functioning of the left analogue stick nor the sprint button, in any way.

PES11 vs FIFA11

I am not a "simpleton" and I prefer certain things that PES10 had that PES11 does not have: simply put, with strategies, I prefer PES10; without strategies, I prefer PES11.

To say that FIFA11 is better or more realistic than PES11 is nonsense; however, to say that PES11 is realistic is also subjective and redundant. I prefer PES11 due to the fact that, at least, it has a certain level of depth. But still, PES11 has a lot of flaws, in very important areas.

Both games are very simple and very dumb. I don't see the point of attacking someone for saying that FIFA11 is better, when you think that PES11 is realistic or deep.

FIFA11 is easier than PES11, but both video games are very simple and very superficial, and neither offers anything truly new or revolutionary.

PES11 has a lot of potential, if the correct changes or replacements are made in the correct areas; wishful thinking, I guess... It was the same thing with PES5, huge potential.... five years later, and PES11 does not feel as different as one would expect.

The same old buttons, left analogue stick and sprint button, work the same way. The same old defensive system, where the movement of the ball does not determines defensive reactions, or in other words, where the movement of the ball does not affects the functioning of the left analogue stick and the sprint button, etc.

It's like Konami and EA sports are determined to keep the game dumb. At this point, my attitude is, I don't really care; it will eventually change, because it will be necessary at some point.

You know the more I played this recently the more Im begining to see what it was you have been moaning about. Theres certain aspects which seem so arbitrary, like Konami have deliberately crippled certain features to balance out an ill considered new passing system which doesn't work with the existing engine.

You see it all the time, like players being magically slowed down upon trying to reach a loose ball, the invisible wall that appears round goalies after they dive and the ball rebounds, the same thinking exists in other areas as well. Tactics are so gimped right now, you cant issue individual commands, you cant dictate any tactic beyond team wide orders, thats cause if you could no one would ever score. Think about how often you get taken apart by a blatantly obvious through ball that you cannot prevent despite seeing coming a mile off? Imagine if you could switch to the correct player properly or actually get your DMFs and SBs to cover back when you have the lead, no one would ever score, most matches would be 1-0 at most.

Its like they re-designed half the game and didnt have time to do the rest so they just disabled and removed a bunch of features to compensate for the lack of balance.
