I am now a FIFA player,
Been with PES Since 2005, always enjoyed the gameplay more, it was fast and fun, and didn't take itself so seriously, and overall, it had playability.
PES has always had its problems, PES2010 had loads.. but it didn't stop me playing 41 seasons of Master League across 4 teams on it...
But PES2011 is unplayable in my opinion, I agree with it needing a huge overhaul, and graphically it looks nice, the menu's take some getting used to but they are good, I don't like the team lineup menu atall.. makes things too complicated and its buggy as hell. Players look better though.
But when it comes to the most important part of the game, the gameplay, it's something I can't get used to, slowing the pace, fair enough but taking away every little ounce of speed, why?
My main issue is the speed, playing it with any team feels like I'm playing with a team of Heskey's, i.e. slow awful players, Dashing is a slow jog.. why can't players actually run?, do you not watch players like Bale and Walcott sprint down the entire length of the field, breaking away from people.. that is impossible here, instead of making it realistic, it feels like players have had their ability greatly reduced.
I don't know what to make of movement, still feels slow. Passing is terrible in my opinion, a full powered pass across the floor only travels about half the width of the pitch before slowing to nothing.. Full powered across the floor should be able to easily travel half the length of the pitch at full speed, can nobody kick balls anymore?
Shooting wise it feels unbalanced, I can just tap shoot and its enough to sky it which is irritating, I've only been able to score about 4 goals in 10 matches, and on PES2010 for example I averaged between 110 - 150 goals a season.
If people say this is realistic and FIFA11 is arcade, then I guess I'm an arcade gamer, FIFA11 has MUCH more playability, you can sprint and shoot, passing and crossing is much better, graphics look better in my opinion, AI and proportions are superior, gameplay in general is great.
Transfers are better, you actually have initial input, instead of leaving it to the Scout.. and of course FIFA have all of the licenses, so instead of playing as NORTH LONDON vs LANCASHIRE or some crap. You play as Arsenal vs Blackburn Rovers, which is much more "Realistic".
You've lost a fan PES, I'm uninstalling and selling it back to the shop, I got both games, and gave both a proper chance, since the games came out, and I've found myself going on FIFA11 every single day and PES2011 about 7 times.
I hope PES2012 is another overhaul, in the right direction.
Going on FIFA, later.
Been with PES Since 2005, always enjoyed the gameplay more, it was fast and fun, and didn't take itself so seriously, and overall, it had playability.
PES has always had its problems, PES2010 had loads.. but it didn't stop me playing 41 seasons of Master League across 4 teams on it...
But PES2011 is unplayable in my opinion, I agree with it needing a huge overhaul, and graphically it looks nice, the menu's take some getting used to but they are good, I don't like the team lineup menu atall.. makes things too complicated and its buggy as hell. Players look better though.
But when it comes to the most important part of the game, the gameplay, it's something I can't get used to, slowing the pace, fair enough but taking away every little ounce of speed, why?
My main issue is the speed, playing it with any team feels like I'm playing with a team of Heskey's, i.e. slow awful players, Dashing is a slow jog.. why can't players actually run?, do you not watch players like Bale and Walcott sprint down the entire length of the field, breaking away from people.. that is impossible here, instead of making it realistic, it feels like players have had their ability greatly reduced.
I don't know what to make of movement, still feels slow. Passing is terrible in my opinion, a full powered pass across the floor only travels about half the width of the pitch before slowing to nothing.. Full powered across the floor should be able to easily travel half the length of the pitch at full speed, can nobody kick balls anymore?
Shooting wise it feels unbalanced, I can just tap shoot and its enough to sky it which is irritating, I've only been able to score about 4 goals in 10 matches, and on PES2010 for example I averaged between 110 - 150 goals a season.
If people say this is realistic and FIFA11 is arcade, then I guess I'm an arcade gamer, FIFA11 has MUCH more playability, you can sprint and shoot, passing and crossing is much better, graphics look better in my opinion, AI and proportions are superior, gameplay in general is great.
Transfers are better, you actually have initial input, instead of leaving it to the Scout.. and of course FIFA have all of the licenses, so instead of playing as NORTH LONDON vs LANCASHIRE or some crap. You play as Arsenal vs Blackburn Rovers, which is much more "Realistic".
You've lost a fan PES, I'm uninstalling and selling it back to the shop, I got both games, and gave both a proper chance, since the games came out, and I've found myself going on FIFA11 every single day and PES2011 about 7 times.
I hope PES2012 is another overhaul, in the right direction.
Going on FIFA, later.