- soundtrack - irrelevant, we have custom playlists
- menus - irrelevant :shocking:
- stadiums - definitely there should be more, 20-sth is to few, and f.ex. there are too few "English" type stadiums. 30-40 is the right number (at least). It doesn't matter if they are generic or real. And what's with Meazza/San Siro thing?

- balls - currently there are 18 (or so) but 6-7 are random Konami balls, so we have 10 left, but this ain't a issue
- kits - 3 a team, or at least a combination of Home & Away one (both would be nice). Example, Liverpool have a Red & Black kits, what about a light/white combination (same with ManUtd, etc...). There are many other bad H&A combinations...
- pes shop - 6 star difficulty, random balls... all that fun stuff, fast games...
- more realistic ratings - Speed doesn't equal Greatest player of all times
- Penalties - more, more, more, and better shooting mechanism, and the camera behind the back of the taker instead of this ridiculous side view
- Referees - improvement is needed
- Injuries - a variety of them, knees, heads, groins,... basically everything instead of just the same old 1 animation
- Hand balls
- better diving or no diving at all, this sucks right now
- snow
- grass types
- weather should have impact on way players behave (a game in July in Spain or a game in January in Russia should not be the same)
- the right stick is unused right now, those manual passes suck, and the current dribbling is a big ??? for me. Give me back my 360 roulette to the right stick
- jersey pulling
- dirty jerseys for playing on rain, in mud etc...
- Commentary - remove it or add that Japanese guy or some Russian guy to have few laughs during a game, if we can't have a proper duo. And stop referring "They", "he"... that sucks, or the line after you win a cup - "they won it, but what now, they don't know how to celebrate..."
- Qualifies are a must, with the player selection from a pool of all players from that selection, and a final 23 selection for the Cup if you qualify
- real names are irrelevant like stated before
- Olympics - 23 yr olds + 2 or 3 older
Master league
- this was a nice start with 2010 but the progress shall not be stopped right now
- changing teams - it becomes dull after some time with 1 team
- more divisions and every division should have a second division
- proper cup formats - 2 cups for England, a supercup between champion and cup winner, that 4 team cup they have in Germany...
- real 3 stage qualifiers for CL & Uefa Cup/League
- registering a 23 players for CL or UEFA lg, like in real life, newly acquired players can't compete if they have already played for another team...
- realistic transfers - rivals don't trade between each other like crazy, cr7 (or 9

) wont be traded to Barca after 6 months in ML mode...
- managers changing teams (Rafa to Juve etc...)
- incorporated World/Euro/Africa/Asia/Olympic tournaments into ML
- proper calendar - EPL plays a lot games during late December & January, while in game they play 2 games in January
- more injuries - Arsenal style, I want to have 5-10 players injured at same time instead of 2 players injured during a season for the length of 1 or 2 weeks
- don't play it, so can't say much :erm:
- Licensed teams - I will share a new groundbreaking wisdom - We want more :shocking:
- Full kit/shorts editing (sleeves, above the number, under the number, at the back of shorts...)
- Team info edit - funds, team rankings, player wages (so a newly created Bayern won't have 5 mil available when they have 50 or 100 or 200 mil in real life)
- Manager editor - looks, nationality, preferences (playing style, player type - like stated before), age...
- Player editor - under shirts, tapes, shoes, fingertapes, keeper gloves, shoes, real faces & hairstyles adding to other players (I wanna be Totti 2.0

- unlimited space for pics of faces & kits, I don't care if my game will load 1 or 5 min when I turn on PES every time, I want to use the 250 gb ps3
- edit a referee - why not - give him 5 basic stats to tweak them like you want, so no one can say he is harsh or blind
- better hairstyles - 75% of them are a big LOL (those straight 1-25 short, medium, long), give them a bit realism
probably I could find more things, but these few (?!) were the first ones that popped in my mind