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Is the PC version the same as 360 and PS3?


Registered User
Does the PC version sport the new "Teamvision" control? is it basically the same game?

I ask because PC and PS2 Versions of FIFA are TOTALLY different than that of 360.


Registered User
Guess What?

The PC version is BETTER than 360 and PS3

Exact same game but with crisper gfx and NO SLOWDOWN!

(And the opportunity to modify with some of the excellent community patches which renders the whole lack of licencing questions a moot point)


Registered User
Guess What?

The PC version is BETTER than 360 and PS3

Exact same game but with crisper gfx and NO SLOWDOWN!

(And the opportunity to modify with some of the excellent community patches which renders the whole lack of licencing questions a moot point)

How can this be? it's not NEXT GEN, the PC that is...are you SURE that TeamVision is in the PC ???


Registered User
Shame if you are running Vista 64 because konami decided not to make this game work with modern OS.

Ohh and afaik the PC version is next gen, at least it looks like it.


Registered User
Shame if you are running Vista 64 because konami decided not to make this game work with modern OS.

Ohh and afaik the PC version is next gen, at least it looks like it.

So it looks good - plays well, better than PS3 ?

Here's my dilemma - IMO the PS3 is sh!te on a shingle...not a pimple on the white arse of the 360 - However - being the soccer(I'm a Yank, deal) frak that I am - I'm willing to shell out the $499.99 for the Japanese ashtray JUST to play PES2008 ...I have the PES08 Demo for 360 and while it looks good and plays well, I'm not so sure just how NEXT Gen it is? and it doesn't come out here on 360 until Spring!?
So do I buy a PS3? OR just get the PC version, and wait until spring for my 360 If I so choose the HI - Defness of Konami?

Now I also read the word that Seabum is re-doing 2009 PES - almost as if 2008 is to tidy us plebs over??


Registered User
So it looks good - plays well, better than PS3 ?

Here's my dilemma - IMO the PS3 is sh!te on a shingle...not a pimple on the white arse of the 360 - However - being the soccer(I'm a Yank, deal) frak that I am - I'm willing to shell out the $499.99 for the Japanese ashtray JUST to play PES2008 ...I have the PES08 Demo for 360 and while it looks good and plays well, I'm not so sure just how NEXT Gen it is? and it doesn't come out here on 360 until Spring!?
So do I buy a PS3? OR just get the PC version, and wait until spring for my 360 If I so choose the HI - Defness of Konami?

Now I also read the word that Seabum is re-doing 2009 PES - almost as if 2008 is to tidy us plebs over??

All 3 next gen versions of PES 2008 are the exact same engine

The PC version runs smoothest and looks best, and has no slowdown issues that I have noticed (unless u count dropping 5-8 fps on close ups and replays........but I wouldnt class this as slowdown at all)

The 360 version has a little slow-down and looks somewhat cartoony

The PS3 version (I hear) lacks crisp definition and suffers from worse slowdown issues than 360 version.

Even if I had all three gaming devices. I would be playing PES2008 mostly on my PC.


Registered User
I guess the big console marketing move got to you. PC is current gen AND next gen. There is no such thing as a dividing red line between "current gen" and "next gen", they are just consoles with more hardware power, just as the PS2 was light years ahead of the PS1. And even though a core 2 duo may not be able to compete with the seven cores in a PS3, there are no games that require that kind of power yet. Besides, graphically, I'd bet two 8800 gtx are better than anything these "next gen" consoles have to offer, and Directx10 (and future releases) are PC exclusive, at least for the moment. In a couple of years, a top notch PC will be better than these consoles in every department.

And yes, the PC version is exactly the same as the Xbox 360 and PS3. Don't believe console propaganda.


Registered User
What PacMan said. *nod*

I'm running PES at 1920x1200 which is a higher resolution than the "next gens" 1080/768 and with no noticable slowdown and a steady 60 FPS 99% of the time. (I'm capped at 60 FPS because I have v-sync on).

I have a somewhat ancient graphics card (7950 GT 512mb) and a C2D 2.4, but it seems to do the job quite nicely.

I'm afraid the PS3s and X360s are behind the PC again with DX10/8800 and when the nVIDIA 9xxx series is out, the PC will have noticably higher graphics with DX10 effects in full swing.

Either way, it's all academic, Konami have done a good job (at least from what I've seen in the demo) of ensuring the same product for the PC (with tweakable settings <3).
