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Is this possible online?


Registered User
Hi guys!
Just did a quick search and couldn't find anything specifically.

My question is this, with the new community mode up online:
Is it possible to play co-op online with a friend vs. the cpu - where we use different consoles? (You know; kind of Gears of War'ish - where you can hook up online with a friend and play together online against the cpu...).

I have seen, that you can play co-op online - but my guess was, that it was only for 2 vs. 2 games. Can anybody please confirm this or not. And if so; if it's not possible in PES is it then possible in FIFA?



Registered User
Great mate - thanks!!
That feature alone is reason alone to buy the game for a friend and I!
But then it's "only" friendly games - and not tournaments, right?


Registered User
Yeah only single games. Not tournaments, atleast I couldnt find the option to do so. You can have competitions within your community, but only against eachother. Sadly...
