Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884
Well, God is going for a well earned cigaretto right now-o.
Have a few random team EPL games.
Figure out which mixture of 18 teams I'm gonna put in Other B.
Then I'll start taking a look at Bundesliga tomorrow and may knock a few NT's out cos they don't take long at all.
Nice. :ninja:
thanks mate if possible can u pls think championship also? pls can u confirm in the formula instructions what do u mean by move EMBLEM to top border sorry to b dumb
Hi jackwhobra...
may I request from you the PNG.kits for championship teams? I don't need all though..
Great work Jack simply amazing, can't believe how good these kits look in game, thank you.
Am i missing something or is there no option for an outline color to be used for the fonts and numbers.
top stuff jack.. congratulations on completion of the EPL.. top notch stuff
keep up with the good work...
The sound of joy around PESland. The first complete EPL PNG pack with formulae that can be used for ANY VERSION!!!
Please leave comments and feedback at any time!
Also keep an eye out for any mistakes or suggestions, they'd be much appreciated!
Go on then, get editing! :ninja:
Jack! Who?
Including all 18 EPL unlicensed teams.
PNGs for Home - Away - GK (couple of extras)
Kit Formulae (Excel doc .xls)
--> [JackWhoBRA] COMPLETE EPL for PES2010 on PS3 (pngs-formulae-emblems) <-- (1.3MB)
great stuff man, i now have to irritate my housemates with a couple of hours of editing, ah well they will appreciate it in the long run.
Well played Jack. You've absolutely smashed! it with them kits.
Have You got any plans for the missing la Liga teams, or are you retiring for a while?
By the way that egypt kit..... c'est super!
is anyone else getting bandwith exceeded images instead of the PNG's?
*My mate text last night saying... "Do you know where to get a OF or any kits etc for xbox360 version?" I was like :doh: Do you realise that the editing on 360 is quite possibly the worst thing known to man :laugh:
what do i open it with?