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[KITS] ¢Ħλ®₤ỉξ-[14] PES 2012 PNG´s[PS3]


Registered User
nike goalkeeper nt Rainbow Collection

I find the new nike gk shirt very nice, so i couldn't help it and made these png's..
the black, blue and green are made by charlie (with a bit of edit) and the others by me (based on charlie's creations).
the only reason i'm posting these is because i think it looks nice to see them lined up and i want them to be shared..

*charlie if you want them off, i will delete them, no problem..


Registered User
Ok, so for some reason I triple posted. My bad. Chrome got laggy and somehow it posted the original/edited message, the original one and a copy of the edit. Just wanted you to know this was not done on purpose.
*uA - 1095: metete un dedo en el ojete lol


Registered User
¢Ħλ®₤ỉξ-[14];1906078 said:
Si, ya estoy recuperado, si no no hubiera podido postear todas esas selecciones.
Por el lado de la nueva camiseta titular de Estados Unidos, todavia no es oficial, a por ende las fotos que hay son "robadas" asi que casi siempre son sacadas con celular y no se pueden ver los detalles, como si fuera aunque sea con una camara digital. Pero seguramente te estas refiriendo a la suplente (azul).
Los agujeros de transpiracion al ser agujeros son vacios, se ve la parte de atras mas oscuro, por eso siempre se hacen en transparencia oscura. Como son agujeros en la primera foto que se muestra blanco no es por que sean blancos sino por que es hueco y se "ve" lo de atras.
Despues lo de la franja, pude ver fotos de los 3 modelos de camiseta de frente: la normal, la authentic (la de los agujeros) y la version para chicos y no es negro, sino que es del color de la camiseta anterior.
Que Falcao y Perea usen techfit no es equivalente a que si o si tenga que tener modelo techfit. Hasta ahora no vi una foto de algun jugador usando ese camiseta en version techfit. Tampoco de ese modelo en algun otro equipo que tenga techfit.

Good morning, Sensei … I'm glad that you have recovered so soon! Today's my mom's birthday!

Speaking about the Away NT USA matter (you were right, it's not home's). yes, they're tiny holes, black in the outside and dark white or grey in the inside, because the same fabric used for the sleeves is also used on the sides. Normal design, player, etc (my cousin told me. He has an specialized sports shop and he's about to recieve a lot of equipments, and among them, USA NT away, he just confirmed it). As soon as they're here, I'll mail you some pics for you to confirm my information.

I have some pictures from the friendly match vs. Italia NT. You can see how the diagonal is darker, more like black than like blue; and the autheticity logo is on this diagonal edge, not inside this line.

Buenos diiitas Sensei ¢Ħλ®₤ỉξ!! (aquí B.tardes jijiji) me alegro de tú pronta recuperación..hoy es el (zorionak!) cumpleaños de mi mami (amatxo) yeehaa!!:happy: jijiji, lo de la away NT USA (tenias toda la razón tú, no es la home:blush:) si son agujeritos vacios negros por fuera y por dentro llevan "blanco grisaceos ó gris" por ke la confección de la tela de las mangas llega hasta los costados..modelo normal, jugador etc.. (me lo ha dicho mi primo, tiene una tienda de ropa deportiva especializada y entre este mes y el próximo le enviaran ya muchas equipaciones entre ellas USA NT lo acaba de confirmar ;), cuando le lleguen te mando fotis para que puedas confirmar mi información ;) , pero me ha mandado estas imágenes de la version player (sólo para jugadores), del partido amistoso contra italia NT etc., y se puede comprobar como la diagonal es más oscura tirando a negro que azúl, el logo de autenticidad esta por " casi por fuera" de la diagonal no "dentro" de ella etc..mira:,r:1,s:0


My cousin visits this site to keep himself informed aobut kits, PES, etc.. There are some other interesting things there, like Polonia NT home with the same perspiration holes;

and ATTENTION: EVERY Nike Authentic Player template has the same perforations (laser made)... I mean, the tiny holes; as well as 2 thermally sealed crosses on the shoulders. Exception made for those not 'Authetic series' – almost anyone...

Authentic Player are more expensive, cause they're made for profesional players. They are similar to TECHFIT by Adidas.

The rectangular detail (sticker effect) is darker on the inside and brighter on the outside (sorry, you designed it the other way round); and the base colour is more 'red' (eg. 25-3-5) than yours; the darker red: 20-3-3.

Brasilian GK Kit colours... PERFECT!! (wonderful that colour on the circle containing the emblem).

It would be perfect for Poland's GK.


Esta página la suele frecuentar él (mi primo) mucho para las equipaciones, PES etc..hay cosas interesantes fijate que Polonia NT home "lleva también" los agujeritos de transpiración y ATENCIÓN!: TODOS los templates nike AUTHENTIC PLAYER llevan perforaciones cortadas a láser ósea los famoso "agujeritos" y unas tiritas termoselladas en forma de cruz redondeadas al final a la altura de los hombros, AUTHENTIC PLAYER son más caras en precio que la versión normal por que son EXCLUSIVAS para los profesionales (fútbolistas) equivale a TECHFIT en Adidas , y sólo se salvan las NT que no usen AUTHENTIC..ósea casí ninguna! jijiji, el detálle ese que te dije del rectangulo con el efecto "pegatina" hace el rojo por dentro más óscuro y el de por fuera más claro al revés de las tuyas, y el color base es más rojo fuerte un poquito más "rosado" (ejemplo:25-3-5) que el tuyo, rojo oscuro (20-3-3), los colores del kit que pusiste para Brasil GK son perfectos!, sobre todo el color del circulo que "encierra" el escudo nacional, y para Polonia GK seria perfecto:

Por favor que alguién TRADUZCA esto (Sensei Pate etc..), todo el mundo deberia saberlo y me parece que con el traductor de google no se entenderia bién del todo por favor! por favor!...:blush:

Dear Sensei … my only wish is be helpful and make a contribution (my cousin's information – you know, he's a proffesional in sport selling). It was you that taught me the difference between and amateur and a real kitmaker – the last one makes original kits, or something 'like real', isn't it???

Best wishes!!!


Sensei ¢Ħλ®₤ỉξ solo pretendo ayudar y colaborar con la informacion que me dio mi primo que se dedica al mundo de las ventas deportivas y como tú me enseñaste la diferencia entre un kitmaker y un aficionado..el kitmaker hace kits originales o lo más reales posibles no?..un grandisimo abrazo Sensei ¢Ħλ®₤ỉξ !! ^^
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Registered User
True, Charlie.

North Korea played with two kits, one in the first half and another in the second half.

These pictures are of the match against Palestine on 16/03/2012, AFC Challenge Cup. They only change the shirt.

I am going to go on with the kits of the first post.



Registered User
I find the new nike gk shirt very nice, so i couldn't help it and made these png's..
the black, blue and green are made by charlie (with a bit of edit) and the others by me (based on charlie's creations).
the only reason i'm posting these is because i think it looks nice to see them lined up and i want them to be shared..

love these, any chance of making them without the nike logo so i can put my own adidas logo on them? or even possibly make some adidas kits without an team emblem on them like these?

and maybe also possible to create this but without the nike, badge, and sponsor?



Registered User
love these, any chance of making them without the nike logo so i can put my own adidas logo on them? or even possibly make some adidas kits without an team emblem on them like these?

and maybe also possible to create this but without the nike, badge, and sponsor?

Since this is not my thread, i can't take requests..
but i can't resist posting this

*i will send you the others in pm ok?


Registered User
Syria played with the same kits:

2012 Olympic Games qualifier against Malaysia on March 14, 2012.

2012 Olympic Games qualifier against Bahrain on February 22, 2012.

This is the only one I have found about Syria NT.


Registered User
Hello ¢Ħλ®₤ỉξ

I wonder when will come the next national team or national team pack (mainly African teams it is the continent least ready teams in the PES 2012, with 4 in total).

I'm waiting good news from this thread.



Registered User
Charlie podrias revisar la equipacion de GK.PERU??? No me cuadra la formula de color con el kit. Gracias


Registered User
I find the new nike gk shirt very nice, so i couldn't help it and made these png's..
the black, blue and green are made by charlie (with a bit of edit) and the others by me (based on charlie's creations).
the only reason i'm posting these is because i think it looks nice to see them lined up and i want them to be shared..

*charlie if you want them off, i will delete them, no problem..

dude is possible for you to send all the blank kit templates you have?
I'm trying to make a few kits myself but I'm not that good
