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[KITS] ¢Ħλ®₤ỉξ-[14] PES 2012 PNG´s[PS3]

glen the magpie

Registered User
They still haven´t played with the away kit.

I have found this picture from Glen The Magpie web page, but I´m not sure this kit is the real one.

heres where i saw it, no actual real life pics so far. find out who made this and he may be able to help you.


Registered User
Hungary Home and GK kits have changed:

And also I think Montenegro changed home kit:

I will include Hungary but not Montenegro. I see a video of the last game of Montenegro vs Iceland from 29/2 and they use the red home jersey that I did. The one u posted is 09 season an this is my resource: LINK
Charlie, acá te dejo la away de bosnia (es de un partido de la sub-21, pero creo que es esta)
I will include this.


Registered User
¢Ħλ®₤ỉξ-[14];1913324 said:
I will include Hungary but not Montenegro. I see a video of the last game of Montenegro vs Iceland from 29/2 and they use the red home jersey that I did. The one u posted is 09 season an this is my resource: LINK

Ok. I´m sorry. I didn´t know I thought they had changed the home kit. Thanks.


Registered User
Hey charlie where is the MLS kits gone need them for option file its ready just need to put kits in there. please upload even last years kits will be fine


Registered User
hai you taking request?if so,can you make this kits for me?plz..

thnx in advance


Registered User
someone accepts any order? You could do some kit for Euro 2012

alguien acepta algun pedido? Podrias hacer algun kit de la Eurocopa 2012


Registered User
Hey charlie where is the MLS kits gone need them for option file its ready just need to put kits in there. please upload even last years kits will be fine
Those kits are for pes 2011. I dont play pes 2011 anymore, thats why I didnt reupload any pack from megaupload to another server.
The colours are not the same, the formulas too, etc.
Can you please make this 'Team GB' Away kit?
hai you taking request?if so,can you make this kits for me?plz.. thanks in advance
I dont take requests.
are you going to create png's and formulas for the Ivory Coast ?
When I do africa nt´s kit pack, but it is going to be the last. Asia is before becoz I have to do less kits.


Registered User
Info about the pack:
Austria: added the new away kit, the formula for shorts and socks are fantasy similar to Puma templates becoz there arent pictures for both. Fixed the branding from the left bottom for home and gk.
Finland: added new home and gk kits.
Hungary: added new home and gk kits.
Poland: added gk 2 and 3. Fixed home, away and gk.
Romania: added new kit set.
Serbia: added away. Fixed home and gk´s. Home shorts and socks formulas are fantasy similar to Nike template becoz there arent pictures for both.
Slovakia: added new kit set.
Slovenia: added new kit set. Home shorts and socks formulas are fantasy similar to Nike template becoz there arent pictures for both.
Switzerland: added away kit. Away shorts and socks formulas are fantasy similar to Puma template becoz there arent pictures for both.

Bosnia, Denmark, Montenegro, Russia and Ukraine new kits or dont be posted before.
Belgium, Bulgaria, Israel, Norway and Wales dont have changes.
For adidas kits I made techfit versions for the kits that I see in online shops, or in football game.
For Russia away I put 2 versions changing the logo becoz I found the one with white background and betonStyle found one with red background.
For Denmark away short I made it red like it been used in last kits from adidas. In February game vs Russia they use white short, and there are pictures in the net when the kit was released with a player with white shorts but that short is for the home kit.

Info sobre el pack: (con respecto a los kits posteados anteriormente)

Austria: agregado el kit suplente, la formula para el pantalon y medias son fantasia similar a los templates Puma debido a que aun no hay fotos. Arreglado el logo de autenticidad de la parte inferior izquierda para titular y arquero.
Finland: agregados nuevos kits titular y arquero.
Hungary: agregados nuevos kits titular y arquero.
Poland: agregados arquero 2 y 3. Arreglados titular, suplente y arquero.
Romania: agregado nuevo kit set.
Serbia: agregado suplente. Arreglado titular y arqueros. La formula del kit titular para el pantalon y medias son fantasia similar a los templates Nike debido a que aun no hay fotos.
Slovakia: agregado nuevo kit set.
Slovenia: agregado nuevo kit set. La formula del kit titular para el pantalon y medias son fantasia similar a los templates Nike debido a que aun no hay fotos.
Switzerland: agregado el kit suplente, la formula del kit suplente para el pantalon y medias son fantasia similar a los templates Puma debido a que aun no hay fotos.

Bosnia, Dinamarca, Montenegro, Rusia y Ucrania nuevos kit set o no habian sido posteados antes.
Belgica, Bulgaria, Israel, Noruega y Gales no tienen cambios.
Para las seleccion con kits adidas hice versin techfit para las equipaciones que vi que sean techfit en tiendas en linea o en fotos de partido.
Para Rusia suplente puse 2 versiones con logo distinto debido a que encontre en que tiene reborde blanco mientras que BetonStyle encontro uno con fondo rojo.
Para el short de la suplente de Dinamarca lo hice rojo como lo es en equipaciones anteriores que hizo adidas. En el partido de febrero contra Rusia usaron un short blanco, y tambien hay fotos en internet de cuando salio de un jugador con short blanco, pero ese es de la titular


Registered User
Podrias poner la info del pack europa en español crack?? Vi tu privado aora pero estoy corrando asta muy tarde esta semana y no puedo mirartelo artista.