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Hola, puedes hacer los uniformes de el d saprissa y el cs herediano 2014 gracias,http://
Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884
Do you have formated the stick into FAT32?
Will anyone make kits of U.S. Sassuolo as they are only team not licensed in Italian Serie A
Angel, no se cuales son tus reglas, pero queria pedirte si es posible el tercer uniforme de la Juventus de Italia, el negro de Adidas. Any help would be appreciated
Hey guys, what's the default kits size for the licensed teams already in the game? 2048x2048?
thanks so much for all the hard work angeltorero.
Does anyone know how we are to actually go about importing these kits yet? I have downloaded the premier league file from this thread. Will we have to upload each image one by one?
I am new to this forum and haven't played around with kits on PES since back in the ps2 days so appreciate any advise anyone can give me.