Previous work:
Arsenal 92-94 (Original is NOT mine, I just corrected some details and made socks)
Arsenal 03-04
Arsenal 2005-06
Sleeve R
Short (Right) is an Arsenal badge, I have not put it here because they are everywhere Short L
Brazil 1958 (can be used for many other years for all home away and gk)
Brazil 1982
short L
Czechoslovakia 1970 (home, away and gk)
England 1982
Short L(home and away)
Italy 1934-38 (home, away and gk)
Zaire 1974 (useless but beautifull)
Short R
Arsenal 92-94 (Original is NOT mine, I just corrected some details and made socks)
Arsenal 03-04
Arsenal 2005-06
Brazil 1958 (can be used for many other years for all home away and gk)
Brazil 1982
Czechoslovakia 1970 (home, away and gk)
England 1982
Italy 1934-38 (home, away and gk)
Zaire 1974 (useless but beautifull)