When you import a kit, the game don't able you to edit the pants and socks later.
Hey peda, i know...but what i do is, i create another FC barcelona team and create it as fc barcelona b, with all barca b players in it...only for master league i edit the barca b team to the primera division, transfer all players and switch the original barca to become the b team...so if i would have the kits with only nike logo, unicef and barca badge i would be able to change colour and style for every season...if i would have a kit with rakuten logo too, i could also create a 2017/18 kit...
did already in the past too, but always have the problem to find a kit with only badge, nike logo, unicef and captain arm band...tried to create it in the past by myself, but simply fail on it, as it always looks terrible^^
as said, in case you could help i would be very thankful...thx for your time
p.s. or did i got you right? isn't it possible to change colour style on editable teams within the game anymore? if so, that would be bad :/
i bought pes17 after long time as i thought editor became better again....i stopped playing it in the past just for the reason that didn't allow you to edit freely anymore :/