hello my friend,
could you help me out again on two requests i have...
1. i need a kit for a team i edited, the pes-team, that i made a pool for youth-talents from all the world...this kit should be from mizuno, with fifa-emblem and unicef-logo...colours doesn't matter, as it would be cool to get a design you create as you want, appreciated however it is, free by yourself ,)
here some needful things
2. wanted to ask if possible, if you could do gain (

) the barca-home with only the red stripe, but the red stripe a 'little' thinner...also one with world-cup-badge and one without...idk, but think the one you made is superb, but little too wide stripe...and another thing...would it be possible to make the barca without design and only nike-badge and qatar-logo, that you made in yellow and dark blue, with barca-badge too? when you turn the ingame-badge on, it looks a little too big

these two only needed with worldcup-badge, as i can create them without by myself in-game...
know, again and again requests, but when i ask you, it has a reason...your work is the best !!!
thx in advance m8 and for your effort...no need for rush, only when you find time...thx from heart