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Konami need to open up the editing for more things


Registered User
Editing the kits is sweet and importing the images is great except for that 300 or so kit limit.

But why not take this further?

We should be able to import balls and boots.

A simple circle template would let anyone make a ball and with the absolutely pathetic amount of real balls in the game this would be amazing.

Boots too. Yes they come in data packs. But right now we have 6 adidas boots. Yes, 6.

I know the community would love making boots and balls. I don't think this would take much effort at all from Konami to implement it.


Registered User
It's well imposible to edit all team kit in this game on ps4? I do Liga Nos team and i can't finish ( import actually 322 kit,can't import more) what a shame isn't it?


Registered User
I Edited BPL, NOS, all National European teams and still hoping to Edit National African and American Teams, but noticed it lacks space for kits etc as you said... i had to remove Skybet Ch. to get space for more images. really sucks a bit.

Edit mode has lot of potential but restrains us, when u feel that konami limited the image import space. And doesnt let you make full use of this tool.

PC players have much more resources to Editing than PS4 ones...


Registered User
Its strange. The same was during PS3 era, the same is with new/current gen PS4. I dont think it has anything to do with the system, it is more than capable to have thousands of kits, boots, balls, faces and whatever there is, but Konami have to unlock or reprogram stuff from theyr end. I think this is the case.

Like it was with transfers. This year they overwritten all face builds and made transfers not until the end of summer transfer window. They later changed that, fixed facebuild overwritting, added option to be able not to update national teams, which saves time for people who rename fake players and also sorted out the transfers and promised in the future it will be much more fluent. So, its the work process that they took didnt work well. It is possible to have the same players with each datapack, I think the same is with kits and other stuff- everything is possible, especially with current systems.


Registered User
I think it's fairly obvious why Konami don't allow you to edit every team. Because they feel (incorrectly in my view) that people would no longer need to buy new editions of PES, they could simply keep editing the older version with new kits etc.

As it is at the moment, everyone is thinking "well hopefully PES 2017 will be different", and it probably will be slightly, so everyone will buy that and then hope PES 2018 is slightly different again!
