review of korea patch
this patch is fantastic , the kits are excellent compared to weleaders (noffense u guys still have the legendary status of providing the first we7 patch with kits)
the patch is more suited to the international teams with kits of peru uruguay even sweden and norway and all thos kits often ignored egypt and so on......... but keeper kits are stilll lacking,
stadiums and in game music are exceellllllennnnntttt
and the intro is out of this world i finally imported it over the original intro and it makes the supercup intro look dull
finally i has got almost all transfers but guess u have to edit them 2 ur own satisfaction to the team at peskorea

excellent job well done u hav certainly joined the we 7 patching 11
1 we leaders
2we brazil
3 peskorea
4 wedoit ?????????
wendetta ????????
this patch is worth getting if u ar ready to start ur euro 2004 early