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Korea Mega Patch - We7


Please follow the instructions in the first post. You can use Fernando with transfers instead of Fernando without transfers.


Registered User
thanks larsson

thanks but i was talking about the we7.opp.pss intro did u insert it cos i saw the intro on thier web page its very deifferent to the standard we 7 intro so its inserting the intro technique i need


ibrahim said:
thanks but i was talking about the we7.opp.pss intro did u insert it cos i saw the intro on thier web page its very deifferent to the standard we 7 intro so its inserting the intro technique i need

When you open the image with CD mage you can see a file called we7op.pss, just import the intro of the Patch over this file. Although I must say that I haven´t imported it coz the file is much bigger than the default one and I was not sure if it will work.
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Registered User
review of korea patch

this patch is fantastic , the kits are excellent compared to weleaders (noffense u guys still have the legendary status of providing the first we7 patch with kits)

the patch is more suited to the international teams with kits of peru uruguay even sweden and norway and all thos kits often ignored egypt and so on......... but keeper kits are stilll lacking,
stadiums and in game music are exceellllllennnnntttt

and the intro is out of this world i finally imported it over the original intro and it makes the supercup intro look dull

finally i has got almost all transfers but guess u have to edit them 2 ur own satisfaction to the team at peskorea :D excellent job well done u hav certainly joined the we 7 patching 11

1 we leaders
2we brazil
3 peskorea
4 wedoit ?????????
wendetta ????????
this patch is worth getting if u ar ready to start ur euro 2004 early


Registered User
Could someone upload just the intro file (we7.opp.pss) to lomungtung? Ibrahim has got me interested in seeing this intro ;) , but im sure not going to download all 20+ files just to get it! oh yeah has anyone tried the fix yet? I see it's on lomungtung now.


Registered User
is the gamespeed feels like PES3.???..coz i remember for weleaders patch the game speed feels like's faster...


New Member

Are there any faster links for the missing .rar files?
i tried to get it on the lomuntung ftp but it's very slow and at some point there an error so i cant continue to download.

Can any1 help pls?
Thanks in advance!