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Legend combinations



If you know what you are doing in PES12, all you need is Speed Merchant and ~80 or more explosive power, dribble speed and top speed. Or in a tight spot, you could do with just Speed Merchant, to be honest.

I've had attackers with Speed Merchant and 55-60 overall rating easily outperform my 93 rated attacker easily with more goals and better match ratings. But assists aren't too common with 50ish passing skills.


Registered User

If you know what you are doing in PES12, all you need is Speed Merchant and ~80 or more explosive power, dribble speed and top speed. Or in a tight spot, you could do with just Speed Merchant, to be honest.

I've had attackers with Speed Merchant and 55-60 overall rating easily outperform my 93 rated attacker easily with more goals and better match ratings. But assists aren't too common with 50ish passing skills.

my player has speed merchant too. I forgot to say that. And I had it since the beginning, I started with that card and 59 overall. I ended with 105 at the age of 33 years old.

Since pes 2011, for me is imperative to have it, also turning skills card although this year I couldn't have it. I don't know why, I ended with only 4 cards, the Speed merchant and other 3 dribling cards. I read other gamers saying it was 6 for them. =(

I had many 8.0 ratings in important matches at the age of 31,32,33 but I couldn't have more cards.. Does somebody know how it works now? hate that, every year is a change we don't have a clue about it..


Registered User
Guys, I choose RMF, speed focused, and I put all points in Speed and Dribble, and I got a pretty good player, 69 overall, with 92 Dribble Speed, 91 Top Speed, 87 Responsiveness, 85 Explosive Power and 81 Dribble Accuracy, and now here comes the killer, with ZERO points in Resistance, i got 8 in Form. Fuck Yeah. A shame I couldn't get the Speed Merchant, but that will be too good, I got the Incisive Run (I think) though.

Thnx man i gt 66 overall a bit less at dribble speed, responsiveness, explosive power and on dribble accuracy but i got 91 top speed 8 form and inscisive run as a skill card but i also started at OGC NICE in france


Registered User
Guys, I choose RMF, speed focused, and I put all points in Speed and Dribble, and I got a pretty good player, 69 overall, with 92 Dribble Speed, 91 Top Speed, 87 Responsiveness, 85 Explosive Power and 81 Dribble Accuracy, and now here comes the killer, with ZERO points in Resistance, i got 8 in Form. Fuck Yeah. A shame I couldn't get the Speed Merchant, but that will be too good, I got the Incisive Run (I think) though.

What whould you put for training now?


Registered User
Hi all :) From my expirience CMF's may start with highest OVR. My best try so far is 78 OVR CMF ("The All Rounder" with 6 Pass and 3 Dribbling) which is like highest from what I've seen here in forums. So if you like playing CMF this is a good choice for you :) You always start with highest 3 Injury, ATT and DEF, Form is random 7 or 8 and Weak Foot acc. and use is random 4 or 6. Also there's always "Classic No. 10" skill card and you may have 1 more if lucky enough :) So even if you're not that patient to get 78 you will easily have 70+ OVR. Hope this helps and good luck :)

Awsome thnx i got 73+Classic no.10


Registered User
I want a player much like Hulk. Not sure if you guys know him. but i want a lwf, very fast and with a nice long range shot. Any tips?


Registered User
speed merchant

Well, my point is that Speed Merchant, and 1-touch play counts for more than overall rating. Just keep re-rolling until you got one, or both and you'll see. Especially if you got 8 Form or Conditioning (depending on version).

I've been reading the posts about creating a build with speed merchant.

I usually just aim for the highest possible overall rating. In response to an earlier question - after spending many hours (way too many than i'm willing to admit to), the highest i managed for a CF was 68 and that was with outside curve card. But generally I find the best you will get with 1 card is either 66, 67 or 65.

I did manage to get 2 cards and a 65 with CF build using all rounder and putting 4 into shooting and i think i had 2 pass, 2 power, 2 speed and maybe 1 dribble?

Anyway, the main reason for my post is i've decided to try your method of not really worrying about overall rating, just make sure i get speed merchant and maybe one touch...

I have noticed that if you want 3 cards, the highest rating you can have (from my tests at least) is 59. Anything above that and you are lucky to get 2.

Back to my question... I did actually manage after many hours to create a CF overall rating 64 with speed merchant and super sub cards. I was very happy with this effort as i had spent a long time trying to get both a decent overall rating and wanted speed merchant + 1 decent other card.

So, what i've been trying to figure out is what speed merchant actually does?

I can see from the in game cards explaination that it enables "special high speed turns".

Is this just for the skill moves - slow, normal and high speed turns? Or does it do something different?

That's how I interpreted it. Just like flip flap skills help certain moves - I have assumed that when you do the high speed move turn that it comes off better?

Sorry for the long route to my question but I thought I would mention some of my personal findings on the way to asking it.

CHeers :ninja:


Registered User
I had a play around with speed merchant last night. I`m guessing that the benefit is the quick 90 degree high speed turns...

I`m playing on top player and after reading all the posts regarding it being overpowered was wondering if this is still the case after the december patch that was supposed to address this issue?

I play mostly offline so main concern was that on top player I will end up dribbling past half the defense and scoring goals way too easily...


Registered User

who is this player please????


Registered User
Hey guys!

I just made very good AMF.Mould is finisher and got most important cards for this are Speed merchant,long ranger and long range drive :D

Overall rating is 54,but this is not important,because with those cards i dont need high stats,so remember "GET CARDS HOW MANY YOU CAN".


New Member
If you want high overall then try the following.

Position - RMF/LMF or RB/LB.

Set the mould to ALL ROUNDER and give 5 points in pass and 4 in dribbling or 4 in speed.

Set the mould to shooting star and enjoy.

Hope this works !
