speed merchant
Well, my point is that Speed Merchant, and 1-touch play counts for more than overall rating. Just keep re-rolling until you got one, or both and you'll see. Especially if you got 8 Form or Conditioning (depending on version).
I've been reading the posts about creating a build with speed merchant.
I usually just aim for the highest possible overall rating. In response to an earlier question - after spending many hours (way too many than i'm willing to admit to), the highest i managed for a CF was 68 and that was with outside curve card. But generally I find the best you will get with 1 card is either 66, 67 or 65.
I did manage to get 2 cards and a 65 with CF build using all rounder and putting 4 into shooting and i think i had 2 pass, 2 power, 2 speed and maybe 1 dribble?
Anyway, the main reason for my post is i've decided to try your method of not really worrying about overall rating, just make sure i get speed merchant and maybe one touch...
I have noticed that if you want 3 cards, the highest rating you can have (from my tests at least) is 59. Anything above that and you are lucky to get 2.
Back to my question... I did actually manage after many hours to create a CF overall rating 64 with speed merchant and super sub cards. I was very happy with this effort as i had spent a long time trying to get both a decent overall rating and wanted speed merchant + 1 decent other card.
So, what i've been trying to figure out is what speed merchant actually does?
I can see from the in game cards explaination that it enables "special high speed turns".
Is this just for the skill moves - slow, normal and high speed turns? Or does it do something different?
That's how I interpreted it. Just like flip flap skills help certain moves - I have assumed that when you do the high speed move turn that it comes off better?
Sorry for the long route to my question but I thought I would mention some of my personal findings on the way to asking it.
CHeers :ninja: